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The other day passed, and other me and taehyung were acting normal now. We settled our problems and even though i couldn't forget him for what he did i forgive him. But its not like we are going to be together again. My last bit of self respect forbids me from doing that.

I sat on the sofa as he sat in front of me he cleared his throat.

- Uhm so how was your day?

I asked. He nodded.

- It was like always.

- No I meant did you get angry today? Or did you felt anxiety? Did you fired someone? How were your meetings with people?

I asked as he nodded.

- Ah! Not really. I was getting angry but the method you showed me, it helped me control my anger. And I was going to fire someone but I thought of giving her a chance so I didn't. And the meeting ended up well, I will be building a new hotel in Daegu.

I was proud of him and his success. It felt good to know that I was helping him in some way.

- But I did felt a little dizzy while going to the meeting. I kind of felt like I was having another attack or something but I, uh, I suddenly had this vision of yours telling me that I can do it. So after a few minutes I was able to calm myself down.

- Did you face hyperventilation or something like that? 

- I did, but it was not my worst.

- Did you take any medicine after that?

- No. I thought I was already calm so I should not consume any medicine.

He said as I felt happy and started clapping my hands. I was proud of him.

- That's really great Taehyung. You are improving. I'm so happy.

I said as he looked down trying to hide a smile.

- eyy you can smile in front of me.

I said as he looked at me.

- I-I wasn't smiling.

He said as he sat up straight and cleared his throat. I nodded.

-Yeah yeah sure.

I said as in the same moment my stomach growled. I widen my eyes in embarrassment. I held my stomach tightly.

- Uhm I guess today's session is done.

I said as I got up and took my bag and again my stomach growled. I closed my eyes wishing to disappear in thin air.

- You can tell me if you are hungry.

He said and chuckled.

-Shut up!

I pouted as I turned back.

- Uhm m-miso.

He called as I turned to look at him.

- What?

I asked as he looked hesitant to ask. After few seconds he asked.

- If you are hungry, we can uhm go and get some food. There's that restaurant which you liked is nearby.

What is it? Is he asking me on a date? No idiot. He is just asking that because your stomach has a hungry dragon in there and your hungry ass is always making noises.

-Okay. I will change and come.

I said.

- No need. You will faint seeing how much hungry you are. And moreover I don't want my guests and workers to be worried by your stomachs sounds.

- YAH!


We were in the restaurant. It wasn't a fancy restaurant but the samgyeospal and bibimbap here are the best. The old lady came and served us food as we thanked her. I quickly took my weapon and attacked on those delicious dishes.

I filled my mouth with food.

- How can you fill so much in your mouth?

He asked looking at me as if I grew three heads.

- sagzjbdjsbsjdbwhebbed (says the one who ate a whole damn cake in one bite)

I blabbered as he laughed and shook his head. 

- Eat first.

He said as I smiled cheekily. I finished the food in my mouth as my stomach felt so good being filled. I took more and ate more.

- Waah even after so many years you didn't change.

He said.

- My love for food could never be change.

I said I ate one more big bite. He looked at me deeply.

- What?

- And for me?

He said I furrowed my eyebrows.

- The love for me? Did it.... did it change?

He asked and I felt my breathing stop as I choked on the food. I was continuously coughing as he got up and patted my back. I drank some water as I calmed down. He went back to his seat and started eating. He soon started another topic.


We walked back to the hotel, as we were now standing in front of my room.

- Uhm thank you so much for the food.

I said.

- Anytime.

He said as we both widen our eyes.

- I-I mean its alright. No problem.

He said as I nodded. What is this? Why do we have such an awkward aura around us? We were normal then what happened? 

- Taehyung!

I called out as he turned to look at me.

- The love for you... it didn't change. It can never.

I admitted and he stopped after a minute, he came near me as his lips collided with mine.


Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

What do you think?

IMPORTANT NOTE: I have finally decided to write my second book, and I have also thought of the plot. Many plots came in my mind but this is so far the best. So I am going to finish The bullys love as soon as possible and start writing my another book. What genre do you like? And who should be the main character of my second book?


Thank you. I purple you💜

Yoonkook are so underrated i- 😞👉👈

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Yoonkook are so underrated i- 😞👉👈

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