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I saw Taehyung entering the same café as mine with Nancy. I quickly hide myself. I don't want him to see me. I took my book and hid my face with it. I heard Nancy laugh. I glanced at him. And I saw him looking at Nancy and she was laughing while holding his hand.

God why is he here?!

I heard the door open once again and it was a group of some other boys and girls coming towards Taehyung. They all ordered something and was heading back. Who are they? I didn't see them at that party except that Nancy.

I sighed and suddenly I dropped my book which caused their attention. I look up to see Taehyung seeing me. I widen my eyes, and quickly took my book and started doing my work. Wait what was I even doing? I heard the door close. And I sighed again , as soon as I looked up I saw him looking at me. I started packing my things.

- what are you doing here?

The familiar deep voice asked.

- uhm... I wanted to drink some c-coff-ee that's why I am here.

- then why are you not drinking one?

- huh?

I saw that I didn't even order one coffee. Shit.

- uhm I was planning to go since I am late.

- late for?

- you shouldn't know everything about me.

I snapped and got up taking my bag. My phone buzzed and I saw the message from bank informing me that my dad transferred some money to me. Wait that's a lot of money. Aishh.

- Aishh...

- what's the matter?

I looked up to see him starting at my phone.

- excuse me? it's not good to peek at someone's phone. It's called bad manners, Taehyung. 

He grinned as I felt my throat going dry. Damn I saw him smiling for the first time I believe. 

- are you done staring at me?

- I wasn't.

I said and took my bag. And got out of the café. Now which shop shall I go? I need to buy some noodles too since Jeongyeon isn't going to there today. I looked back and saw Taehyung following me. Eh? why is he following me?

Suddenly he held my wrist and pulled me back as my back touched his rock hard chest. For a moment I forgot everything but then I regain my consciousness as I turned back.

- what are you doing?

- you dropped this.

He showed me a pamphlet of the cycles I had.

- oh, Thank you.

I nodded to him. But he didn't let go of my hand.

- uhm will you leave my hand?

- No.

-huh ?

- I can show you a good store.

- and why would you do that?

- because you're late.

- for?

- for the party.

He said.

- I'm not going there. And will you please move everyone's staring at us.

- why not?

- you're annoying.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now