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6 months later.

I was walking on the streets of LA getting off from work. 6 months it's been, since I returned back. It wasn't so hard. First two months, I missed all of them so much hanging out with the group it was just like old days, Hoseok's loud noises Yoongi's grumpy face Namjoon's pervert mind SeokJin's dad jokes Jungkook's cuteness Chaeyoung and Dahyun's flirty attitude Jimin flirting with Jeongyeon, Momo buying everyone food mina's graceful and slow talks. It felt so good I missed them all so much.

But most of all I missed him so much. His remarks, his stare, his touch. His everything. he was getting on my mind again. I started to stalk him. His social media him on Google

But then I stopped because my feelings for him grew more if it can to be honest

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But then I stopped because my feelings for him grew more if it can to be honest. It was of no use. So I started to burden myself with more and more work so that I wont think of him anymore.

I entered my apartment and saw Sana making food and Jihyo doing some work.

- Hey girls!

I said as they waved.

- The dinner is ready.

Sana said as I sat on the sofa exhausted.

-Nah! I will sleep. I am not hungry.

- Shut yo ass Mi! You haven't eaten since yesterday you've lost a lot of your weight. You're unnecessarily taking others cases and over working yourself.

Sana scolded me. It was rare sight. Sana being mad at anyone. She was like a ball of sunshine who never gets angry and when she gets mad shits about to go down. I smiled at her.

- Okay okay. I will eat and then sleep. Dont be mad okay?

I said as I hugged her and she nodded.

- I will help you arranging the table. What did you make?

I asked.

- Samgyeopsal

She said and the memories of me and Taehyungs dinner came, the day when we last kissed.  I nodded my head.


I was making my bed when I got a video call. It was of Jeongyeon I clicked the answer button.

- Hey baby~

She said as I giggled

- Hey hottie~

- Guess what?

- What?

- dududududdudududududu OUR MARRIAGE IS PREPONED.

She said as I widen my eyes my hand covering my mouth.

- oh my! That's so great. Wow. That's such a good news.

I exclaimed as she clapped her hands.

- Yes yes, I know. 

- When is the marriage?

- After 2 weeks is the engagement and after 3 weeks it's the MARRIAGE!

She screamed as I widen my eyes and started jumping on the bed.

Duh! It's my best friends marriage.

- you have to be here next week.

She said as I stopped jumping and looked at her.

- What? I don't know if I can get leave for so much long time and that too on such a short notice.

I pondered as her face fell and she whined. 

- Come on Mi! it's your besties marriage not a normal occasion. And its not like I am going to be married again.

She said pouting.

- I will talk to my boss for an emergency leave.

I said. I just have to think how to get that dumb head give me leave.


I was currently standing in David's office with tears in my eyes.

- Please sir. If it wouldn't have been so important I would not have asked you for a leave this early.

I said crying as he looked at me suspiciously.

- What is so important for you to get a leave for more than a month?

- Its heartbreaking... you know. My aunt, who raised me-

I said walking around his office dramatically.

- Who raised me, she is suffering from a disease and I have to be there for her. She is everything I got sir. Whatever I am is because of her. And if I wont be there for her in her hard times, think just think how guilty I would feel.

I bawled as I brought the tissue closer to my face as I wiped the tears off of my eyes. 

- And moreover, I was over working myself for more than 4 months now. I guess I do deserve a break. I feel like my body is exhausted from all the work. Ah! My head hurts.

I mumbled in a weak tone. He looked at me as he nodded.

- Okay I will grant you leave for a month and a half.

How stupid he is.

- but, after you are back there won't be any broadcasts for you. You will only have to work at hospitals for you, your next interviews will be transferred to others. That won't be a problem I suppose? 

He announced as I felt like breaking his head. 

He is such an asshole.

- absolutely sir.

I said faking a smile as I sighed.

At least I am attending the wedding.


Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

What do you think? I am so sorry this chapter was so bad >_<

I will try hard for making the next chapter more worthy.

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote and comment. Theres nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

Indeed they are the prettiest and the reason for me to question my sexuality :")

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