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- I don't want anyone Miso, but you.

I was shocked at his words. What does he mean by that? We barely knew each other. Is it how boys are like? Why is he saying such things?

My over thinking mind got to its work listening to the words of the human sitting in front of me. I was at loss of words when suddenly he burst into laughter. Huh? Why is he laughing?

- God Miso your face.

Jeongyeon started laughing too. She is drunk wait huh? What's happening?

- I was just joking Miso

- uh w-w-what?

- your face was worth of millions Miso~~

Jeongyeon said while laughing as I bit my lip cursing under my breath. 

I'm embarrassed now.

- Stoop! Don't tease me like that! 

I whined as they laughed but Jungkook looked at me suddenly with a expression I couldn't decipher. 

- hey, I'm sorry if you felt uncomfortable. I didn't mean to make you u-

- it's okay Jungkook.

I said and smiled.

- I'm sorry.

He said and scratched his back of neck as I shook my head patting his thigh as I turned around. 

- So? Shall we leave jeongy-
Jeongyeon? Where's she?

- she was here just now.

- Jeongyeon?

- I guess she went to washroom you know to puke or something?

- okay I will check there.

- I'll come with you.

- it's okay kook. I can go there by myself.

- wow you look cute calling me kook.

I laughed as I shook my head at his statement he held my arm as he asked me

- and do you have your phone with you?

He asked as I nodded

- yeah. Why?

- No because it might be dark there so you can just open your flash. And if you need anything call me. Okay?

He said as I nodded.

- I will.


I headed to the washroom. I hope she's okay she was really drunk.

- omo why is it so quiet here?

I got some weird vibes as I started walking faster.

- ahhhh there it is.

I felt relieved when I saw the washroom signs. But suddenly I heard some noises. Those noises? It's wait- it's like someone is moaning?

I peeked and saw Nancy and a boy making out. What the actual hell? here? Out of all places here? But my world stopped when I saw who the boy was...


So he left my dorm to come here and make out with her? He was just going to kiss me an hour ago or what? I was on verge of tears. He did it again.. he played with me again.. and me? Like a fool I let him do it like how I did back then


7 yearsago.

After that incident I didn't come to school for a whole week. Our schools page was filled with our pictures I wanted to leave that school , my father even talked about this but the head said it was impossible since its the middle of the year.

Today. My mom was fed up with my attitude and said I shouldn't be so weak when I'm her daughter. I should fight for myself and go to that school. Since I never had a leave my attendance was pretty good and so my grades were. She said I have to ignore them and don't let them affect my studies. So I decided to go today. I heard the gossips of everyone when I was taking my books from my locker. I saw Taehyung entering the corridor. I quickly hide myself. I don't want him to see me. After a while I closed my locker thinking he left but as soon as I closed my locker I regret it. He was leaning to the other locker beside me. He saw me.

- So finally the book worm and my admirer decided to come today huh?

He whispered. I got chills down my spine. No Miso please you're strong. I locked my locker and headed to my class without answering him. I heard him chuckle.

A week passed and he was trying to talk to me but I ignored him what's more surprising is he never bullied me for not responding to him neither other students asked me anything. Things were getting back to normal.

I thought....

I thought he was changing himself he gave me chocolates and used to smile whenever we saw each other. So not like Kim Taehyung . Little did I know it was part of his game. I was starting to like him when I noticed he was changing himself, until I saw him kissing Jennie his ex girlfriend. He knew what happened with me, he knew what Jennie did to me how she locked me inside a cage of thoughts forever and left me alone with it, yet he went back to her.  Guess some people just never change. 

Today I felt the same how I felt back then I saw them making out with each other her hands behind his neck his hands on her waist I was feeling nauseous. My breath started to increase. My heart was beating fast.

- Miso? What are you doing here?

I heard Chaeyoung 's voice I saw her and she Jeongyeon Mina was coming towards me I looked back at Taehyung and he seems to notice me and then everything became blur.

I fainted.


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