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-You don't have to worry about us. We both know where we belong to. And even if anyone try to get him I am sure my love will be bring him back

I said and her smirked vanished. I was boiling with anger. I looked at Taehyung and he had a satisfied expression. She excused herself as she walked away.

- Now that's like our girl.

Jungkook said as he patted my head and grinned.

After that everyone lost in their own conversation giving some space to me and my own thoughts. Mr. Kim called Taehyung to meet some people so he went there.

I was sitting alone sipping my juice. When I felt someone's presence. I looked beside me and saw Suho sitting beside me with a smiled. I gave him a half smile.

- What's up?

I asked him.

- The sky?

He said and I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

- Shut up!

I said and smiled lazily 

- Why are you not engaging in people's conversation? I thought you were close to them.

He said and I nodded.

- Yes I am close with them. I just didn't feel like.... uh talking.

I said and shrugged. He seems to understand and nodded his head.

- Too loud here right?

He asked seeing my face and I nodded immediately he chuckled. It surprised me how much he still knew and understood me even after all these years. 

- Want to go somewhere quiet?

He offered and I stood up.

- Why not?

I said and he took my hand and guided me to upstairs.


He took me to the second floors balcony. The cool breeze hit my face making my hair fly I felt goosebumps on my skin as I rubbed my arms. I looked at Suho and he looked really good his locks were dancing with the air.

- You look really pretty miso.

He said.


Her face looked so pretty in the moon light. Her flawless face looking so bright yet so dull. I know the reason behind her dullness. Of course all the credits of her tears goes to the one and only Kim Taehyung.

- You look really pretty miso.

I said honestly.  She looked taken aback as her eyes widen. I was worried for a second if she is going to run away. But she smiled and what she said next melted my heart.

- Thanks. But I must say, you look really handsome too.

She said and gave me her heart throbbing smile.

- I'm honored to be complimented by such a beautiful woman.

I said and bowed. She laughed and the melody was memorized in my mind.

- No need to be so dramatic.

She said and then there was a comfortable silence between us until I heard a sniff. My head immediately flew to her side and I saw her head turned the other way I could say she was wiping the corner of her eyes.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now