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At that night I slept with dry tears on my cheeks stained. I thought I won't be crying anymore at least not for him. But I was wrong, I cried again and for him. I thought I won't be getting anymore nightmares, but I was wrong. Everything ricocheted itself, I felt like my thirteen year old self again. 


- Look at that loser!

-don't even know why my Taehyung is wasting time on her.

- books won't be able to get yourself a man. Loser!

- Just wait! She must be thinking she is the lucky one. But poor her! Taehyung is dating Jennie again. 

And after that they all started to throw eggs and rotten tomatoes on me. After that Jennie came and threw something like powder on me.

Why did he do that? He said he wanted to be friend with me. It is not how you treat your friend especially when you make them feel so special.

Everyone laughed at me. At my state. 

- Woooooohh!!

- that's what you deserve bitch.

Isn't it too much for a 13 year old like me? Even at my worst, did I deserve this? 

I woke up panting and sweaty. Of course, the nightmares returned. I saw that I wasn't in the same dress anymore. I panicked.

Who changed my clothes?

Then I saw Jeongyeon entering the room. With something in her hand.

- How are you feeling now?

Jeongyeon asked as she came and sat beside me. 

- Just tired.

I said as I sat straight and put my hair in a messy bun.

- Did you change my clothes?

I asked her as she nodded.

- yeah when I came in I saw you laying on the bed in a weird position and with the same clothes and with messy make up. So I changed your clothes and wiped your makeup.

She said and I smiled.

I'm so truly blessed to have her.

- Thank you! Thank you so much Jeongyeon that means a lot.

- you did a lot to me too.

She said and I chuckled. But then she turned all serious.

- now can you acknowledge me what happened to you yesterday?

She said and I gulped. I closed my eyes for a moment. After some time I took a deep breath and said.

- Me and taehyung are done.

I said and she widen her eyes.


She yelled.

- Yeah..

I said putting my head down.

- But... but why? You both just started dating. 

She asked still too shocked to speak in her normal voice. I explained her everything what happened as she gasped loudly. 

I said to her whatever happened yesterday .

She gasped. 

- Look, you mean when you said you want to end the relationship, he did not even fucking stopped you.

She said and I shook my head as a no.

- He is such a fucking bastard.

She said and sighed. 

- But I guess Miso..

She said suddenly after a long pause. I looked up at her waiting for her to finish her sentence. Her light brown eyes shining.

- to be honest, it was your fault too.

She said and I looked at her with wide eyes. 

- He was just talking with that girl. Like you know he was not even doing anything with her. And judging from the reaction of his yesterday after you left I feel that he was really regretting that he let you go. You acted as if he kissed or had sex with that girl. Maybe she was telling something important to him.

She said and I took all of her explanation inside my head.

- Yeah but even he..

I was saying but she interrupted me.

- I am not saying that it was your fault alone. Remember we can only clap with two hands.  His fault was that he reacted too late and did not even explain himself and yours was that you reacted too early and did not see the other side.

She said.

Maybe... maybe she's right...


- Just think about my words. You know I wasn't too happy about yours and his relationship. But come on you guys deserve a better break up. Something cool.

She said in attempt to make me laugh and well I did.


I met with Jihyun after wards he was worried about me but I said that everything is okay. I won't be patching up with Taehyung so early, not so easily. Jihyun reminded of me about his birthday party which was today. God I totally forgot about it. I wished him and he suddenly hugged me I felt uncomfortable but since it was his birthday I just let it go.

But then I thought I saw those two familiar dark brown eyes watching over me with so much intimacy that anyone could feel scared.

I didn't mind it and headed back to my dorm and started looking for clothes.


Hey lovelies! ! How are you?

What do you think about this part?
What will happen in Jihyun's party? Was it really Taehyung who was watching over them? What do you think about Jeongyeon's words? Who was at fault?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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