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- Suho?

I heard Taehyung saying as I widened my eyes and looked at the three males standing. 

Kim JunMyeon?

What the hell... no way..

5 years ago.

That year. That month. That day. That moment which made my life a hell. When I as living my worst nightmare. Taehyung was absent today as he went to England for something, till Taehyung was in the school no one dared to say anything to me. Everything was back to normal, I could still hear people talking shit about me but I chose to ignore them and live my life properly, the way I want to. But as soon as Taehyung wasn't present, it was like the whole school got a green card, their way was clear and they were merciless with me. 

Jennie with her other three friends came as I was getting something from my locker when she held my hair and pulled me back. I let out a yelp as I was taken aback by the sudden attack. I looked at her as my eyes widened with fear. I was always scared of Jennie, she would go to any extend to ruin me and I was well aware of that. 

- Tsk tsk tsk, Taehyung isn't here to save your ass Miso, so who is going to protect you now? 

She said as her other three friends started to beat me, kicking me on my stomach and beating me with their bags.

- You need to have a standard to even like my boyfriend. You are trying to take him away from me and I will kill you for that. 

 Jennie said as they continued their assault on me, no one did anything. Some of them were laughing while the rest looked too afraid to say anything. Just when they stopped I was relieved that it was all over but just then I felt something on me. I opened my eyes as I saw a flour pack and before I knew all the flour was on myself. My uniform was a mess, I was bleeding and I couldn't breath properly because of the beatings. My eyes were red with tears as I was praying to got to send some help to me. 

- What the hell do you think you are doing Jennie Kim? 

We heard a voice as I slowly opened my eyes and saw JunMyeon. He walked towards us as Mark and Taeyong. Suho came near me as he crouched down to my level and checked me out. 

- Are you okay, Miso? 

He whispered as I couldn't say anything to him. He looked at Jennie who was scared as she moved back.

- Who the fuck do you think you are? How dare you do this to her? Are you even a human? 

He asked as he walked towards her about to beat her up when Taeyong stopped him. Taeyong and Mark never liked me, they both thought I was going to change Taehyung and they did not liked the idea of losing power. So they always encouraged Jennie or anyone else who bullied me. 

- Bro, let's not meddle in her business, she has already done such things in the past. Let's go. 

Mark called out as Suho looked at him angrily, he turned towards me as he helped me up and took me out of that situation. Little did he know that he only added fuel to Jennie's anger and she was going to do something much more worse than this. 


I sat there still as the flashbacks of those moments filled my brain. My legs were shaking, as I could feel my heart start to beat faster than before, the day which was well spent was ruined now. I drank some water trying to calm myself down.

- Who's this chick? 

Mark asked as he checked me out and I squirmed in discomfort. Taehyung looked at them and then at me as he shook his head. 

 - No one. She is just a project partner.

Ouch. No one? Just a project partner?

- Wait wait wait, Isn't she that bookworm? 

Taeyong said as both him and Mark came nearer to check my face as they laughed. 

No god please no.

- She is.

Taeyong said and laughed as they looked at Taehyung. I saw Suho's face as he was shocked to see me. His eyes widened and he looked at me with so much surprise I looked down. I was having a trouble breathing when I remembered Jeongyeon's words. 

"It's okay. You're strong now."

Just like a magic spell it gave me a sudden confidence.

I looked up at them.

- I'm sorry. But my name is Lee Miso, not anything else. 

I said and they all looked at me shocked.

- Woah. She got a mouth now. 

- Seems like you both are close. 

He said and both me and Taehyung said at the same time.

- Yes/ No.

For your information. I was the one who said yes and he said no. 

- What's with these answers of yours?

Suho asked as he looked at me intently. 

- Well I guess that should not concern you whether we are close or not. 

I said as I stood up looking at Taehyung who looked at me with 'sorry' eyes. He could shove that sorry up his ass for all I care. 

- I will take the bus now. Send me the pictures I will make the presentation.

I said and went out. 

The worst thing was he never tried to stop me.

Is he that embarrassed that he is with me?


Hey lovelies!!!

 How are you?

I also changed the cover again. Lol.

Tell me what do you think of this??

What do you think?  Is Taehyung really embarrassed that he is with Miso

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Thank you. I purple you 💜.

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