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After buying tons of dresses and shoes we exit the store and now we were on Taehyung's bike.

- Taehyung why did you not bring a car?

I asked as I stared at him when he was offering me the helmet.

- Well I did not plan to go to shopping today but here I am. Do you want me to bring the car?

He asked and I nodded he gave me all the bags and I swear I could not be seen. He took out his phone and called someone to bring the car.

- Let's wait at that café till the car comes.

He said and started walking.

- Yah! At least help me with these bags.

I yelled but he just sighed and ignored me. After a great trouble we sat down on the chairs.

- Are you sure this is a café?

I asked Taehyung he looked at me and furrowed his brows together.

- it's a big café. But it is a café

He said and I sighed.

This one looked way more expensive and lavish than my usual café

The peach colors on the wall and the small plants made it looked more cozy and the aroma of the coffee wow. Even the place was way more big than the other cafes in Seoul.

The café was pretty much dark and it was almost the time of sunset. Looking at straight at Taehyung he was busy in his phone and he looked so unreal the falling sunshine on his face. He looked so ethereal.

I noticed how good looking he is. He did not change much since our childhood. He still had that baby fat on his face but his features was sharp, his monolid which made him more beautiful.

I cannot help but feel pathetic that after all this I still love him so much 

I did not realise as tears were forming in my eyes.

Suddenly taehyung looked at me and frowned.

- are you okay? What happened?

He asked.

I took a tissue and hurriedly wiped the corner of my eyes.

- aah nothing something went in my eyes I guess.

I said and laughed awkwardly. He got up and removed my hands.

- Let me see it.

He came near me and blew some air in my eyes.

I am so in love with him it hurts.

- It's okay now.

He said and sat back. Just then a waitress came.

- What can I bring for you? 

She asked. More like she asked Taehyung than me.

- I would like a macchiato  and for her a hot chocolate. 

My heart warmed up. He did remember my favorite.

- okay sir.

She said and walked away

My phone started ringing.

Incoming call: Jeongyeon 💕

I picked it up.

- Miso?  Where are you?

She asked.

- uhm, I am in a cafe why? Is everything okay?

I asked her as I leaned on the table.

- Yeah. It's just I did not see you for a while and I got worried I checked the library and you weren't there either.

She said as worry was clear in her voice. I chuckled. 

- Oh yeah I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I will back in half an hour.

I said and ended the call. I was not even done keeping my phone when my phone ringed again.

Incoming call : Kook💕

Why is he calling me?

- Hello?

I answered the phone.

- hey Miso? Where are you?

He asked.

- I am at the cafe. Why? 

I said.

- Oh is Taehyung Hyung with you?

He asked. I did not know what to answer. I did not want to lie to him but if I said the truth-

- hello? Miso? You there?

He asked.

- Yeah yeah he is with me.

I said.

- oh okay when are you guys leaving?

- in half an hour maybe? Why?

I asked confused as why did he all of a sudden wants to know

- uh everyone were asking, that's why. Okay, bring me an icecream when you are coming back

He said and ended the call.

What was that?

- Who was it?

Taehyung asked. I looked at him

- It was Jungkook. He was acting..... weird.

I said. Our drinks came and we started drinking and not talking to each other. He seems pissed. I shrugged it off. The car came and we headed out. We settled in the car when my phone ringed again.


Incoming call: Unknown.


I picked it up.

-Long time no see miso.

That voice..... that stalker. My heart started thumping.

- Looks like you are enjoying your time shopping and going out. We will see each other again. Very soon.

I hurriedly ended the call. I was terrified.


Hey lovelies!!!

How are you?


My phone is hanging and I was frustrated by it. But it's okay now so I'm gonna upload soon hehe  <3

What do you think? What will happen? Will the stalker really follow her? Will Taehyung be able to save her this time

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

PS : 18 K- HOLY COW-


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