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Life for an eighteen year old was supposed to be fun but nobody told me becoming an adult was this hard. After a good shower, I got ready for my new life. After the incident happened 5 years ago, I lost myself, to gather my broken pieces my parents moved to the states so much has changed since then. I was always afraid for a fresh start but now that I am, I feel good and positive. 

After coming back to Seoul, I got a scholarship in the Seoul University. I was ready for a change. I heard my mom calling me down as I took a last glance at my room and left the place. 


- Take care of yourself Miso. Call me or at least text me everyday okay? Stay away from distractions. Study well baby.

- yes mom, I will. Love you.

With that I left my mom and went to the office for asking my room number and getting my schedule for classes. The lady gave me a sweet smile as I returned it, I was listening to my Taylor Swift playlist, humming with the tune as I started to find my room. I entered another building and went inside the elevator. My majors were, Psychology and Literature and I had to look into the clubs before joining them. I wasn't really interested in joining any clubs but it was mandatory which was such a nuisance. Choosing Psychology was easy for me as I have always known to choose that as my subject. 

I entered the C section of the university as my room number was C-33. I finally found my room as I took a deep breath in and placed my hand on the handle but before I could push it someone already pulled it from another side which made me fall in front. My nose collided with something hard as I let out a groan. I pulled back as I hissed and held my nose. 

- God, my nose! Are you blind? 

I said as I looked at the person whom I collided with and when I looked at him it was as if my brain stopped working. The person who was standing in front of me was no other than, Kim Taehyung. The person who ruined my life, the person who was responsible for every bad thing that has ever happened with me. I couldn't breath nor move when I saw him. Kim Taehyung. I couldn't believe that he was here. How small is this world? Out of all people I had to meet him here. Wait, if he is here then that means he studies here. 

 - Hello? Who the fuck are you? 

He clapped his hands as I got back to my senses. I was spacing out again as I pinched my thighs to remind myself that I am in real life. I licked my now dry lips as I blinked rapidly. I looked at him and I was shocked as to how much he has changed. 

- Well? Can't you speak? 

He asked again as I closed my eyes tight before I heard another voice behind him. I opened my eyes to see a girl approaching us, I took in her appearance and the very first thing I thought was how pretty she is. Her hair were short and in a blonde color as she was wearing a white loose t-shirt and a denim shorts. She approached me and smiled at me. 

- Are you Miso? 

I nodded my head as her smile widened and she nodded her head too. Taehyung looked shocked as he was now looking at me with narrow eyes as if he was remembering something. I hid my face with my hair as I turned towards the girl. 

  - Hey, are you Yoo Jeongyeon? 

I asked her as she nodded her head enthusiastically, gesturing me to come in. 

- come inside Your luggage was already here so we kept it beside your bed. 

 I thanked her as I saw another guy who was sitting on my bed. When he saw my questionable expression he got up immediately. 

- Hi, I'm Jimin. Park Jimin.

The guy said. He was wearing a black shirt with black ripped Jean's and a denim jacket. Plus point on his dressing sense. He was coming to hug me as I panicked and instead lend my hand for a handshake.

- Hey, I am Miso. 

He awkwardly shook my hand and smiled as I did the same. I sighed as I was cursing at myself for making the atmosphere so awkward. Jeongyeon let out a laugh as she came and sat on her bed. 

- Weren't you guys going to leave? 

Jeongyeon said as Jimin smiled cheekily and looked at me. 

- Don't be like this Jeongyeon, let us get to know this cute girl too. 

I must have made a very weird expression as Jeongyeon burst out laughing looking at me. 

- Get the fuck out, you can get to know each other as much as you want in tonight's party. 

I was checking my bags when Jeongyeon's words caught my attention. I turned to look at her and asked

- What party? 

- Since the semester is going to start soon, students of all majors get together to have a party. It's like a way where you can introduce yourself to others. 

Jimin explained as I nodded my head. He looked at me and asked

- Will you join us for the party? 

I was unsure of what to answer, I still had a lot of things to do which will be left undone if I won't complete them. 

- Uh, I will see. 

Jimin shrugged and I looked at Taehyung again to see that he was busy on his phone. Nice, I have to make sure he stays away from me for these years. Jeongyeon nudged my arm as I looked at her. 

- You must come, it's a great chance for you. 

She said as I thought about it and nodded my head. 

- If I am free then I will come. 

By the time our conversation was ended Taehyung left the room and I relaxed I saw Jimin leaving too when Jeongyeon called him. He stopped and turned around as Jeongyeon threw a bag at him. 

- yah Jimin call everyone okay?

- got it.

And by that he left the room closing the room door as Jeongyeon sat on the bed and looked at me. 

- Our group is actually not that big, they aren't mean or anything so don't worry. I hope you will like them. 

- oh then how many are actually there?

- Not many. Me Jimin Taehyung Namjoon Jin Yoongi Hoseok Jungkook Mina Momo Chaeyoung and Dahyun.

- Yeah sure not many.

I said as she laughed

- Sarcastic much?

She said as I laughed.

- Come on let's get dressed.


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