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I saw Nancy with some other guy. What surprises me more is..

What is she doing in a department store? 

I mean like she always brags how rich she is, I never knew a depratment store is a place for rich people.  To be honest, I'm not even surprised seeing her with some other man. Because I remember Yoongi's words

" You can say she slept with almost everyone is this university"

I shook my head and suddenly an idea popped into my head.

Why not take a picture of her and send it on the group.

I am not a revenge person but... some fun won't hurt right? I smirked and took a picture of them and sent to the group called

'The chamber of secrets' I don't even know what that name means.

I wrote the caption as

A rich girl in a department store 😂

I felt like a petty person. I have never done this with anyone till now, but when I remembered Nancy kissing Taehyung I just had to do it. 


After coming back to the dorm, I settled all the things and sat down to do my homework. I heard the door open and the whole squad entered.

- Waaaahhh that picture was so amazing

- I never knew our Miso was like this huh?

- I want to see her face when she sees this picture

- I hate that bitch

- yeah she's a real slut.

- why not we upload this on our schools website??

- A great idea.

- wow I never knew you had such a good brain

- Hyung let's get it.

- Wait wait don't upload it there!

I exclaimed as they all turned around to look at me but I was still protesting against the idea. 

- Why not?

Jeongyeon asked as I shook my head and got up. 

- I just sent it to you for a good laugh, don't upload it anywhere. She is a girl it won't look good. 

- aigoo our Miso is really kind and innocent. 

I heard Jin saying as I clicked my tongue. Why do they think I am innocent when I just oppose something they say? 

- yeah too innocent.

Taehyung said and looked at me as I glared at me. 

- What I am saying is don't upload it. 

- Wait- what? But I already did.

- Jimin said while showing his phone with the same caption" news flash, rich people cannot afford Gucci anymore so they are inside a department store arguing with customers"

- First time you did something good.

Jeongyeon said.

- shut up.

- our Jiminie did a good job for the first time.

Chaeyoung said and patted his head as if he's a puppy and he rolled his head in 360 degrees

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now