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I changed into a peach floral dress knee length with some flowers designed on it. Honestly, this dress alone could afford my one month food. I sighed as I put my hair in a low pony tail and applying light make up preferring my natural look more.

I got out of the closet and saw Taehyung sitting on the sofa playing with his phone

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I got out of the closet and saw Taehyung sitting on the sofa playing with his phone. After our conversation I never spoke to him. He is being unbelievably rude with me since we started our journey to come here.

I sighed.

He was wearing a white t shirt with khaki pants. Why is he so hot?

I cleared my throat.

- I am ready.

I mumbled more to myself but he still managed to hear me as he lifted his head and looked at me. His lips parting and lips forming an 'o' shape. I can see his adam's apple going up and down. As he cleared his throat and got up.

- l-lets go.

He said and we went out. As we were coming down the stairs I felt Taehyung's hand creeping on my waist. I flinched.

- w-what?

I asked surprised by his sudden action and he looked at me as if I had two heads.

- Did you forget that you are my girlfriend?

He said.

- These gestures are very small. Show some love princess. Act well.

My heart! I gulped the urge to let out a tear. As I nodded and looked forward.

The dining room was huge and by that I mean very huge.

The table it self is capable of at least 20 people sitting. And far from there I saw a gorgeous girl coming towards us as I felt Taehyung's grip on my waist loosing. He opened his hands and the girl flew in his arms.

The fuck is going on?

- How are you?

I heard the girl speaking. Man her voice is so sweet. I bit my lip trying not show any emotion.

- Still Taehyung. What about you noona?

Noona? Did he just said noona? FUCK how did I forgot about his sister.

Im Nayeon

I sighed in relief that it is his sister and not someone else.

- Yah Kim Taehyung, learn to answer properly.

She hissed shaking her head. And the moment her and mine eyes met, her eyes lit up.

- omo is this the girl mom was taking about?

She asked a I waved at her and I laughed awkwardly. She came and hugged me as I hugged her back immediately getting a welcoming feeling. We separated as the aroma of the food hit us and my stomach grumbled. Embarrassment took over me as I looked down. I heard Taehyung laughing as I glared at him.


- Come on let's eat.

Nayeon said as we and Taehyung's parents sat down.

Just then a very handsome man entered the room.

- Eating without me?

The man said.

We all looked up and saw Taehyung's elder brother baekhyun.

A look a like to Taehyung. Taehyung and him bro hugged and Nayeon went and hugged him tight. The trio group hugged and I was left in awe at the sight if the siblings love. His parents came and his mother hugged him and his father patted his back.

Back of him was a girl. Tall and very good looking girl. And when I say good looking I mean drop dead gorgeous.

- Ah mom she is my girlfriend. Irene.

Baekhyun said when he felt the stares on the girl. Irene bowed and hugged everyone.

- And who is this?

Baekhyun asked. I was about to say when I felt someone's hand on my waist.

- She is my girl.

I heard Taehyung saying as blush creeped on my cheeks.

- Hello, I am Miso. 

I introduced myself as Baekhyun looked at me closely as well as Nayeon. I felt taken aback by their stares. 

- Miso? As in the girl Taehyung who used to tutor Taehyung? 

Nayeon clapped when Baekhyun said that. 

- Ah! yes yes, you looked familiar to me that's why. He even brought her at our old home sometime. 

Nayeon said as I smiled and nodded my head. 

- Yeah, I am the same person. 

- Why am I not surprised? Taehyung used to talk about you 24/7. It was starting to get annoying. 

Baekhyun said as my eyes widened and I looked at Taehyung letting an awkward laugh out. 

- I guess we should eat now. 

I heard Taehyung saying.

We all sat down and started eating as the butler took Baekhyun's and Irene's luggage up. 

I need to be mentally ready for this.


Hey lovelies!!!

How are you?

Finally an update. Phew I'm sorry for the late updates. Yay new characters

What do you think about the new characters? Will they be as good as they are showing? Why is Taehyung acting so rude with Miso? Will Miso meet Suho

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

PS : THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 21k. I love you all so much 😔👉👈💕💕💕💕💕💕

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