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- of course here.

He said as I gulped hard.

Me and him in the same room?! Not a good sign.

- I-I will go and sleep in Jeongyeon's room.

-It's a pity because she's there with Jimin, now you don't want to be a third wheel I suppose?

He said, he was clearly enjoying this. After a lot of argument he said that everyone are with their partners, and I clearly can't sleep in the same room as the boys, that would be awkward.

- Fine.

I sighed.

- But I will sleep on the bed.

I announced as he folded his hands and raised a brow.

- This is my hotel, my room, my bed. And now tell me why would I allow you to sleep on the bed?

He said in a mocking tone as I took a sharp breath to control my anger.

- Because-

- Because?

He asked as he folded his hands and I clicked my tongue.

- arrogant ass.

I mumbled as I took myself to the couch as I took one pillow and lay down. I heard him chuckle.

2 AM.

The sudden thirst of water woke me up as I sat up abruptly. I looked around the room the only source of light was the light coming from the balcony. I got up as I walked there and saw, Taehyung sitting down a wine bottle next to him and a headset blasting music which I could hear it from standing so far too ,and a laptop on  his lap as he was busy working. He changed his sweatpants into grey boxers as he wasn't wearing any shirt either.

I walked in and sat next to him as I took the wine bottle and drank it watching the moon. It was really cool outside I don't even know how this man is sitting like this. After a few minutes I felt his hand tapping the floor as it came to my lap I looked at him in shock but his eyes were still locked on the laptop as he was still tapping.

- Yah!

I said as I hit his hand he looked at me and screamed.

- Why did you come here so suddenly?

He asked as he kept his hand on his chest. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't breath properly.

- You.... you were so scared .

I cried out of laughter still he looked at me as he snatched the bottle, after a good few minutes of laughing I sat up straight as I found him looking at me with a smile, but as soon as our eyes met he got back to the straight face as he took a sip of wine. I lend out my hand asking him to give me the wine.

- No, you will be drunk then and I am not in a mood to handle a drunk crazy girl.

He said typing something on the laptop. I pouted but he was right, I already started feeling the alcohol in my veins.

But I wanted more

So when I saw he was busy I took the bottle and took three large sips  of wine as he watched me in horror. I giggled.

- Jesus miso.

- Ssshh. You don't have a right to speak.

I said keeping a finger on his lips as I giggled again.

Taehyungs POV

Great. Just great. Now she is drunk and will start acting all cute and I cannot control myself. I sighed as my breath touched her finger. She giggled again as I watched her in awe.

How can someone be so beautiful?

- look, there's a moon, a pretty girl and a handsome boy. We also have a wine, the mood is set. We both love each other so much, but still we cannot do anything.

She mumbled as she pouted again. Oh boy! She is really drunk.

- Why can't we be together taetae?

She said, she called me that after so long time. I felt my hearts beat going fast.

- Why cant we? When we love each other so much why cant we? Why did the ego had to come between us? Why didn't I just listened to you? Why did I let this misunderstanding come in between us? I missed you every second of this ten years. There wasn't a single moment you weren't in my mind or heart.

She said as she crawled up to me as she moved the laptop aside and sat on my lap. I tensed. Every fiber in my body stood up.

- I wanted you to be a better version of yourself, and I knew that if I would be away from you only then you will be able to be what you really want, and moreover you told me not to ever talk or see your face again.

- I know, I told you that but you should have stuck to me like a leech. I am your woman why didn't you do it?

She cried as I comforted her.

- I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.

I was continuously repeating it in a whisper while kissing her head as she kept her head on my chest. It was so peaceful I thought that the world stopped for a moment or two, her breath was so calming I forgot everything for a while and enjoyed her touch. I closed my eyes as I hugged her more tight.

- You are gonna regret this tomorrow you know.

I called her out as she chuckled.

- I am almost sobered up by our talk. So I don't think I will. Yes, I will be embarrassed or awkward, but I wont regret this.

She said as she drifted to sleep.

God, I love this woman so much.


Hey lovelies!!

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What do you think?

Should miso go back to Taehyung? Or should she make him suffer more?

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I CRIED 😭😭😭😂😂😂

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I CRIED 😭😭😭😂😂😂

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