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5 years ago.

It was raining. Thank god I have an umbrella. I opened my rainbow color umbrella and started walking. It's pretty late now. I was in the library when I started reading about psychology. The subject have always been so interesting to me. I heard someone running behind me I turned around and saw none other than Taehyung running towards me.  He was supposed to meet me at the library because he wanted me to teach him our Korean language subject.

He stood in front of me and used my umbrella as a shelter as I looked at him. 

- huh? Don't you have one?

- why ? you don't like sharing an umbrella with me?

I shook my head. 

- Both of us are going to get wet if two people share this small umbrella. 

He made a poker face as he bent a little. 

- Aish, Miso you really don't know when someone is flirting with you right? 

I rolled my eyes as I smacked his arm. 

- Forget about flirting, why didn't you come to the library? I am not going to repeat the lesson. 

I said as he whined and pouted as I smiled at how cute he looked. I shook my head as we started walking. 

- The school is gonna end soon.

He said and I hummed in response, this year has given me a lot of bad memories but again taught me a lot of things in return. 

- I hope you're taking the same school

The thought that he want me in the same school made me feel something in a weird way. I nodded my head. 

- why don't you say anything?

- I don't like to waste my energy too much. 

- it's fine if you don't want to say anything.

He said and laughed.

- Aish,  you're really short.

He said and took the umbrella from my hand.

- let me carry it for you.

He said and smiled. We were on a bus stop. It's raining really heavily.

I heard him singing a song. Wow his voice is so good. Suddenly a car came and there was a water splash. He took me by my shoulders and hugged me and started shouting at the driver.

- are you okay?

He said and looked at me. We are close. I have never been this close with anyone in my life and that's why my heart started to beat loudly. I nodded.

- you didn't had to shout like that.

- huh? Why shouldn't I? If something would have happened to you?

He said and I looked up at him to meet his beautiful dark brown eyes. I wonder if this is what people called having a crush on someone. I don't think I have a crush on him tho. It's just impossible for me to have a crush on Kim Taehyung. 

He slowly started leaning towards me as if kissing me. I stood still unable to move. What? I don't want to have my first kiss with someone whom I don't feel anything for. I held my breath as I was about to push him when

He kissed my nose.

He looked at me and smiled.

- I won't kiss you until you allow me to.


He said he wouldn't kiss me until I allow him to. He again didn't keep his words. He moved from my lips. My heart was beating so fast. He looked at me, his dark orbs was getting more darker as he stared right in my eyes. I couldn't comprehend what just happened as I blinked my eyes. 

- Why?

I whispered.

- huh?

- why did you that? You said you won't be kissing me until I allow you to. Then why?

I whispered. I don't even have strength to push him away or yell at him. 

- I-I am sorry. I just couldn't resist anymore.

He said. I bit my lips. A sign of nervousness.

- Don't bit that lip. You're just provoking me.

- Taehyung, please move. You are not making me feel any better by kissing me without my permission. 

I said as he nodded and moved away from me, my stomach felt like a jelly when I saw how red his lips were. I gulped as I was about to do something which I am sure I would have regretted. Suddenly the door opened as Namjoon and SeokJin came inside the room. 

 - no sea food is the best

- no sea food is not good.

- I said shrimp.

- No chicken

- no shrimp.

- chicken-

- Taehyung? What are you doing here?

Namjoon asked Taehyung as he seemed flustered to see them here so suddenly. 

- I just came here to check on her.

He stated and looked at me the last time before leaving the room. 

- Miso, do you want to eat something?

- No Jin, thank you. 

- Okay then.

They said and took something from Jeongyeon's closet and left. After they left I tried to clear my mind . I should stay away from him. I know this is the best. But why can't I just do what I want?

I sighed making a decision that I would stay away from him as much as I can.

That is the best.

I sighed again and slept for good long 8 hours.


Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

Sorry that this chapter is short.

What do you think will Miso stay away from distractions? Will Miso stay away from him? What do you think?

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Thank you, I purple you💜

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