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Our classes started and it's been a week. Wendy said that she tracked the number and it belonged to someone who lives near the myeong dong street. Wendy said that Joy checked the security cameras and Lisa investigated the owners and the workers about the man who bought this sim card. And Joy found a footage. And today was the day when we were going to see the footage.

Saying I was scared would be an understatement.

I was returning from my class as it was the lunch time. I found Jungkook and Hoseok in the corridors as they saw me and waved towards me.

- Hey Miso!

Jungkook greeted as he walked towards me.

- Good thing we found you. Let's go to the cafeteria together. 

Hoseok who was behind said.

- I will just keep my books in the locker. Wait for me.

I said as I went to my locker and kept the books in it. I found a red paper.  I frowned I took the paper and it was a note. My hands suddenly started sweating and my body felt weak.

' You looked pretty this whole week. Concentrate on your studies princess and not on useless things such as finding me. Cause you can never find me until and unless I want you to see me.'

I gulped. He knows. He fucking knows.   I crumbled the paper and put it inside my bad. I turned around and saw both of them waiting for me. I walked towards them.

- Let's go.

I said and smiled at them.

- Miso? Are you okay?

Hoseok asked holding my arm as I took a deep breath in and nodded my head.

- Y-yea-yeah.

I said as I fidget my fingers.

- You look pale. Tell me Miso, are you okay?

Jungkook asked in a stern voice as I looked at him and smiled.

- I guess I am just hungry.

I said and they sighed.


In lunch I never ate anything. I lost my appetite. I just had juice. We still sat the same way. Taehyung was sitting across me as he looked at me worryingly.  I looked at him. He raised his brows asking me 'what happened' I just shook my head and smiled. 

I feel such a bitch to not tell him. He deserves to know but I also don't want him to be in any trouble.

The bell rang indicating us that it was the time. We all got up as I hung my bad around my shoulder. I felt a hand on my waist. I flinched and saw Taehyung.

- Is everything alright baby?

He asked me cupping my face with his one free hand. I nodded and smiled at him.

- Yes.

I said and he frowned.

- you don't look like you are. You barely ate anything and never even tried to talk.

He said as I held his hand which was on my cheek.

- Taehyung-ah,  I am fine.

I said and he opened his mouth to say something but I kissed him.

- Now shush we need to go to class.

I said and I heard Jin shouting.


They all laughed.


After the first day of our re opening. I was returning to the dorms, with Taehyung on my side.

- Kitten?

He called and I turned at him. I hummed in response.

- Are you free today?

He asked. And my mind trailed off to the meeting with Wendy. 

- why?

I asked.

- uhm, I was just wondering if you would come with me for a uhm for a date or something. We could go to the library or anywhere you want. I thought of library because you love reading books and you would feel really calm there too. 

He was going on blabbering and he seems... nervous?

holy cow! Is Kim freaking Taehyung nervous? Oh well.

I widen my eyes in response. Shit. If I go with him then what about Wendy?  No no no no no no no no no.

- Uh actually Taehyung, I am kind of busy today. Tomorrow what do you say?

I asked and his smile fell but he quickly recovered his expression into his famous blank one. 

- Of course. 

He said and nodded as he turned around. I gripped his arm and pulled him towards me.

- Ahhh taetae! don't me mad at me. I am really sorry. I really want to go on a date with you but it is really important. 

I whined and he hugged me back. 

- Tsk. It's alright. I just thought we could enjoy since these whole 2 weeks you and me both were busy with the group.

He said as I parted away with him still wrapping my arms around him.

- tomorrow uh I can be at your place. We can enjoy and no one could disturb us you know.

I said and winked a flirtatious smile on my face. His face changed into a horrified expression.

- who are you? and what the fuck did you do with my miso??

He asked and I laughed. I kissed him.

- It is me you idiot.

I said and chuckled.

- Oh god my innocent miso is gone.

He said and faked a cry as I smacked his arm.


I was Wendy Joy and Lisa. I was alone today as Jeongyeon went on a date with Jimin.

What a lucky girl. I wish I was with Taehyung too. 

We were currently in Wendy's office as she said it isn't safe to meet in the cafes anymore.

- So you are telling me this was the letter you found in your locker today?

Wendy said and I nodded. She sighed.

- We need to be more careful from now on. He will be more alert.

Lisa said.

- Thank god I hacked the footages before it got deleted. I have them now.

She said and showed us a pen drive.  She took out her laptop and inserted the drive into it. It started and Joy forwarded the video. While she was forwarding I thought I saw a familiar face as I told her to stop. She rewind the video and kept it on a slow motion.

The face I saw kept me into pure shock.



Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

What do you think? Will miso really found out the truth? Or something more is there to be cleared?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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