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He was going to kiss me when suddenly we heard a knock on the door.

I was surprised. Too surprised that I pushed him off the bed. He growled and got up rubbing his back.

- Shit shit shit shit. Taehyung you need to hide somewhere

I whisper shouted to him. He looked at me annoyed.

- Why? It's not a problem to be with someone who claims you there's.

In normal time I would be too soft by his words but not now.

- Miso, It's us. Your parents.

My blood froze. My heart froze. I froze. What are they doing here? And at this time?

I widen my eyes. I looked at Taehyung his face was surprised too. I did not expect them to be here at least. And I can clearly see even Taehyung did not expect it.

I quickly took his hand and made him sit in my wardrobe. He was not fitting there. I did not know what to do so I literally crumpled him like a paper and made him sit there. At least he is done.

- Don't. Don't you dare Kim Taehyung to come out or make any type of voice. If I you mess up I will personally kill you. Got it?

I said to him while pointing my finger at him as he quickly nodded.

- Miso, are you there?

I heard my dad shouting.

I quickly fixed my hair made it more messy and went and open the door. I faked a yawn.

- Mom? Dad? What are you guys doing here?

I said through my half open eyes and with a sleepy voice.

Good. I NEED to get an Oscar.

- You were still sleeping?

My mom asked.

- It's so not you to sleep this late. It's literally 11 pm.

My mom continued saying while eyeing me. I gestured with my hand for them to come inside.

- I know right. What were you holding and sleeping that you slept so nicely?

My dad asked as he chuckled and I looked at him.

Oh dad, actually you remember the girl who almost killed me because of her ex? I was holding the same guy and sleeping comfortably. It is just that I love that guy so much. Nothing more nothing less.

He gave me look of "are you going to say something?"

- Ahh father, it's just that I slept late so I guess I woke up late

I said and smiled while standing with my hands attached. I was taking glances at the wardrobe. God bless Taehyung.

- You were so sleepy that you did not even care to open the door and moreover when you did you were 5 minutes late.

My mother said.

My mom had always been like this. After she lost no wait after my actual father cheated on her. She met and married Dad when I was 7. My childhood was not so great. Being collected, strict, wanted everything in order. She was that type of women. But still she was really sweet.

- Oh come on honey, give her a break. She is soon going to turn 19. Our child is old enough to know all these things. Miso, it's okay that you slept late. You can do that time to time okay?

My dad said and patted on my back.

My father, totally opposite of my mother. Care free, jolly, forgiving. I still don't get the mystery how they fell in love with each other.

I smiled back at him. I just love him so much.

- Well okay, fine. Don't make me the villain here.

My mom said and chuckled.

- But still, you need to keep your bed clean. Okay? Not only bed but your whole room. It's just so messed up.

My mum scolded me.

- I am sorry mom. I was a bit busy yesterday. I will make sure to clean it today.

I said and heard my father clicking his tongue as he shook his head.

- Look at all those clothes lying around, let me keep them inside.

My mom said as she started making her way to the wardrobe. I widen my eyes. No no no no no no no no no


I shouted and she flinched.

- what?

- Uh, you came to my room for the first time, why are you working already? I will take care of it. Don't worry come and sit with me.

She said and came back to me. Phew that was close. SO close. After almost an hour they started to get up.

- Well we will be get going then.

My mom said.

- Miso, make sure to pick our calls or at least have a courtesy to reply back. We worry about you darling. And yeah do pick up Jaebum's calls. You know he miss you a lot.

My father said as I nodded my head. Mom suddenly stopped as she spotted Taehyung's shirt. I widened my eyes as I looked at it.

- Is that a guy's T-shirt?

She asked scanning it as I shook my head.

- What do you mean? It's literally a men's brand.

- I-I mean yeah it is a men's brand. B-but you know my roommate Jeongyeon right? I told you how much of a tomboy she is so it's hers.

I made an excuse as my mum looked at me with narrow eyes and nodded.

- I hope there are not any boys in your room Miso.

My mother said and they left.



Hey lovelies! ! ! How are you?

Finally an update sorry for the late update.

What do you think? does Miso's mother know? Who is Jaebum? Is Taehyung really happy with Miso?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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