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Taehyung left the room after you fell asleep as he tugged you in and went outside the room. He didn't want anyone to see you both together. You fell asleep and after a long time, you didn't get any nightmares, your night wasn't sleepless or dreamless. You dreamt, and you dreamt about him and you. You forgot the memory of yours and his but through your dream you were able to remember it again. 


5 years ago. 

- Taetae?

I looked at him with confusion written on my face as he grinned and nodded his head. His bangs falling on his face as it covered half his shining eyes. 

- Yeah taetae you can call me that. Most of the people call me Tae but nobody really calls me TaeTae except my grandmother. 

- but, why me?  Isn't it supposed to be for someone special? 

I asked as he moved closer to me

 - You're special to me.

He said and did this cute gesture of  his where he blinks both of his eyes and his lips turn in a straight line as I giggled and nodded my head. 

- I will. But if you tell anyone this I will punch you


 I woke up as I sat up straight. For a moment, I didn't remember anything but once the memory hit me I grabbed my face. 

Did I just dreamt of Taehyung? 

- Ah! You crazy Miso what is wrong with you? you stupid head!

I remembered last night as how I drifted to sleep while talking with Taehyung. I felt weird in my stomach when I recalled him being flirty with me. Yeah, I was talking to him for a long time and I saw him last before sleeping that's why I dreamt of him. 

- Yeah, that's the reason. There is no other reason to it. 

I turned around to see Jeongyeon looking at me weirdly as she pointed her finger at me. 

- are you.. talking to yourself?

She asked as I let out a nervous laugh. 

I quickly got up from my bed and started stretching. 

- Y-yeah. You don't know? People who are intelligent talk with themselves. 

- Really? I thought people who are lonely talk with themselves. 

She said as I gave her a glare and she shut her mouth up giving me a peace sign. 

- By the way, your alarm didn't went off today.

- huh?

I checked my phone as my eyes almost came out of my sockets. 

- It is 7:45?! Why didn't you wake me up? I am late

I yelled as I sprinted towards the bathroom. 


 12:30 pm SKU'S CAFETERIA.

I was so tensed that I won't make it on time. But thanks heaven that I was still the 4th one to enter the class. My morning lessons were done, I already got my presentation for Psychology and Communication. I was starting to calculate my time and schedule my day. I went and sat down with the group. 

My usual lunch and my usual self.

I sat beside Jungkook and Jeongyeon.

- You look different today.

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