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I stood up and started walking towards the exit.

Why? Why Taehyung? Why do you have to hurt me every single time when we take a step closer to our relationship. Relationship? Huh nevermind that.

I was standing at the bus stop. As if my day hasn't been worse. It started raining. Great. My clothes were wet and I didn't even have any single thing to cover myself.

Wait. Taehyung is on a bike. I hope he is okay, he catches cold very easily.

What the heck Miso?  You are still thinking about that guy.

Wow so I am fighting with myself now?

Shit it's really cool.

I am standing here for about 45 minutes but there is not a single sign of a vehicle. I don't have any money for ticket to go back to Seoul as I started walking towards the Train station. Maybe I can convince anyone to give me some money? The rain was pouring heavily as I was wet. 

I guess God really is testing me.

I saw a black car coming towards me I started waving my hands and started screaming. 


I was shouting and the car stopped.

I went towards the drivers seat and I saw it was....




he seems to be shocked

- Oh you. Do you want a lift?

He asked me I noticed Taehyung was not in the car.

Wait. Do I want a lift? Will it be good to sit in his car? No its not a good idea. Not at all.

- uhm no thanks.

- But just now you were yelling over there asking for a lift. Isn't it?

He asked.

- She certainly was. I saw how desperate she was.

Mark said and laughed.

- Well you can get in we of course have place for you.

Suho said and showed me the back seat.

- It's alright. I guess the bus will be here soon.

I said and backed away.

- Well I guess you don't know all the buses are stopped from travelling in this heavy rain.

Taeyong said.

- It's okay. I can go by my own.

I said and walked back under the tree.

- Are you sure babe?

Mark asked.

Wait what did he said babe? Fucking Casanova.

- Yeah I am.

I said and they drove away. I sat under a tree. It just doesn't stop raining. 


I should have just accepted there offer. 

I'm such an idiot.

I started feeling dizzy. Ughhhh no no no no

I started taking deep breaths to calm myself down. My vision started to get blurry as I struggled to stay awake.

I saw a bike stopping in front of me and someone coming towards me. After that it was all black.

But before fainting I only heard.



Hey lovelies!!! How are you?

What do you think about this part?

Who came to save Miso? Is it Taehyung or  someone else? What are the intentions of Suho and his friends? Is it a trap?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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