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Being academically best was always easy for me. Since I have started till the day I have finished my PhD, I was always number one. Which made me easier to get a good job at one of the best hospitals. I was a professor now and things have been going smoothly for me. At the age 29, I have achieved quite a lot. 

I was going inside the place where I work, holding a coffee and I entered the common area for the doctors. Everyone was busy doing their works, because of the new generation, everyone is depressed or have problems so everyone is busy with cases.

I just finished my article which got published. I have been seeing patients but now that I have been getting called for the shows on TV, I don't really have many patients. 

- Hey Miso sup?

Niall, my work mate asked when I kept my things on my table. He is a tall dark skin well built man with crow black eyes which shines bright. He kind of reminds me of Hoseok, always so cheerful, I have lost contact with almost everyone of them except I am only in contact with Jeongyeon. The last time I spoke with Jeongyeon was probably a year ago. 

- I'm good.

I said and smiled. I was the only Korean here except

- Hey homieee!!

The other Korean hottie at my workplace Park Jihyo. She is an average height fair with short hair. My roommate you all. She is with me for the past five years. I smiled at her and gave her a hifi.

- Hey girls. What say party tonight?

Kang Daniel another of my work mate and Jihyo's boyfriend asked.

- I am afraid you youngsters cannot. As there are still many therapy cases you need to solve. And Kang what about the case with Meera? Jesus.

Our director, Mr. David Jones said we all just looked everywhere except him. He cleared his throat.

- And Ms. Lee, I am very impressed that you solved you three cases in a month, and also I have heard your previous study on the OCD have gained a lot of attention. 

He said as I smiled politely.

- Thanks sir.

- I am wondering you are free tonight. Will you have dinner with me?

Uh yeah he has been flirting with me as I sighed.

-I will see sir. Thanks for the offer.

I said as he nodded and left.

- He is trying hard.

Niall said.

- He is a player.

Jihyo rolled her eyes as Daniel chuckled.

- Did I miss anything?

Minatozaki Sana, my second roommate, she is a year older than me. Although, she may seem to be childish and immature but she has a brain of Einstein. Sana has helped me the most in coping with my dark past. 

-The usual.

Daniel said and she sighed.

- So are you going today?

Niall asked and I shrugged and nodded.

- guess I am. I will just give it a try.

I said as they all gasped.

- Finally you are going out.

- Yah! Lee Miso! Are you crazy? 

- Woah!!!

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