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_ important announcement down please read it.

- For now, please stay with me.

I whispered to him. He carried me to the bed and closed the door. He came to my side as he stood near the desk leaning into it. I got up from the bed and walked towards him. I came near him and wrapped my arms around him. Nothing was in my mind. Not Suho not the thing that our lives were in danger not even the pain in my back because of the push. No one

No one, but him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him. He responded back as he wrapped his arms around my waist as he made me sit on the desk. A low hiss left my mouth he pulled away and frowned.

- What is it?

He asked resting his hands on my thighs. I didn't say anything. I didn't want him to feel guilty because of what he did. His hands were on my back as he pressed his fingers as I groaned and kept my hands on his as I removed it. His hands came into his view as he gasped.

- Oh my fucking god. You're bleeding.

He said and I looked at him shocked as I saw his hands. Red thick liquid resting on his palms and fingers.

He immediately carried me to the bed and made me sit on the bed.

-I'm fine taehyung. Please don't ruin the atmosphere and mood.

I said. I wanted him why can't he understand?

- Take off your top.

He said and went to my wardrobe.

- finally

I said as I tried to take off my top but only winced when the shirt touched my back. He came back with a first aid kit.

- You went to get that? That's why you said to me to remove my top?

I asked wide eyed. He smirked at my reaction.

- Someone is desperate huh? No need to be so desperate baby you need rest.

He said as he held the hem of my shirt he slowly took it off with me on my wincing and screaming. After it was off and I was only left in my bra. I suddenly felt embarrassed. My cheeks turning red as I put my hands to cover myself. Taehyung noticed and rolled his eyes.

- Wow you were the one who was jumping on me and now look at you being so embarrassed.

He said and chuckled. Him saying this only made me more embarrass.

- YAH if you say such things I will never have sex with you.

I yelled at him and he laughed turning me around and making me lay on the bed on my belly. 

- Alright I'm sorry.

He said as he took something and started taking out the pieces of glass. I hissed when the glass was being taken out from my skin. Tears started forming in my eyes as I clutched the sheets stopping myself.

- Where did you learn to do this? Are you sure you're doing this right?

I asked trying to distract myself from the pain. He scoffed.

- of course I am doing this right otherwise I wouldn't have been doing it and I learned it from Nayeon noona.

He said. And I nodded. I smelled the alcohol I turned around and saw him pouring it on the cotton.

- It's going to hurt a bit.

He said as I nodded digging my nails in my palm. As soon as the cotton touched my skin I shut my eyes close and stopped myself from screaming. Warm tears sneaked out of my eyes.

- I'm sorry.

I heard him whisper.

- I'm sorry that I didn't trust you. I'm sorry that I shouted and hurt you once again.

He said again. Now, the physical pain was replaced by my emotional pain. 

- The thought of you being with someone else makes me sick and jealous me to the inside of my every bone. My anger took over me.

He whispered again. I sat up straight. I held his hands.

- I won't say you that it is okay like any other girl. But, I would like to say that, yes it did hurt - and no not the physical one yeah it did too. But Taehyung.. you need to learn to control your anger. This is not at all tolerable. You need to listen to me before making any decisions or saying anything. And.

I said as he looked up at me and his eyes held the sorrow the guilt which I wanted to see.

- and I love you.

I said and grinned. He cracked a smile.

- I love you more.

He said.

One step closer to end this bully!


Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

I just wanted to say that my exams are gonna start in 5 days and they are my previous finals and being a lazy ass I didn't study anything💀. So if I disappear for some time don't worry hehe~

A taeso chapter for y'all cause there was a lot of drama going on in this shitty story lolol.

What do you think? how will Miso end the negative behavior of Taehyung? Will she succeed? How will Miso reveal the truth of Suho

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜



I cried when I saw her :') a hot angel.

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