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I closed my eyes for a minute trying to calm myself but when I opened his face was so close to me that I could see all his flaws which made him look more perfect. Dark circles clearly visible under his eyes, a small cut beside his left eye. His mole on his nose still made him look cute. I gasped when he held my shoulders in a tight grip.

- What the fuck do you think you're doing, Mr. Kim?

I exclaimed as my shoulders stiffened. He looked at me his eyes turning red by every passing second. He was shaking and so was I.

- What the hell are you doing?

I asked as he gritted his teeth.

- Why did you comeback? Why?

He said and I frowned.

- Oh well, I was not the one who decided to make you my patient okay? And stop playing the victim here. You got that?

I said to him in anger. He chuckled.

- If I'm playing the victim, then what are you doing?!

He said as I frowned.

- What the fuck do you mean by that? Stop acting like you don't know anything Kim Taehyung.

I said.

- Well, I certainly remember every single thing from that night everything I saw and everything I heard. Lee miso.

- Well, good for you. Because you should. You should know what you did and what your actions can make people do.

I said as he jerked me off. I stood up.

- If you are going to continue to act like this, you have to find someone new.

I said and started walking away when my legs froze to the thing he said.

- Are you happy with him?

He said as I turned to face him but he was only showing me his back. I walked towards him as I held his hand and turned him.

- What did you say?

I asked he looked at me as he put his hands in his pocket.

- Is he keeping you happy?

- Who is keeping me happy?

I asked and he raise a brow.

- Playing dumb are we? What did you thought I would never know about you two?

He asked and I folded my hands near my chest.

-Will you stop playing mind games and tell me clearly? Because I am definitely in no mood to play guessing games.

I demanded as he let out a dark chuckle as he stood up straight, and that's when I realised how well built he became. Not like he was not back then, but now he became a man. The shirt he was wearing flexed his biceps and triceps really well, his thighs were even thick now and his shirt buttons it felt as if they were holding on each other.

- You and that asshole Jinyoung.

He said and I swear my jaw touched the ground. Disgust ran through my veins.

- i- me- Jinyoung- i- what made you think that?

I hissed trying to comprehend everything. He took out his phone from his pocket as he opened it and showed me a picture and what I saw made me question everything that existed.

It was a picture of a girl in my clothes from that night and Jinyoung kissing. The girls face was not shown only her back was.

- Holy fuck that's not me you dumb ass.

I yelled as he laughed.

- Of course you would say that.

He said as he clapped his hand.

-But this is really not me you, can't you just make out by seeing that girls body?! You of course knew every curve of my body so how can you still say that its me?

I said and then realized what I said and bit my inside cheek and prayed that I would disappear in thin air.

- Look at that girl she is too thin and did you look at her legs?! Even a person who saw me for the first would guess that not me unlike you, you blind ass.

I said feeling disgusted as he saw the picture carefully as cold sweat formed on his forehead as he scanned the picture and scanned me then from top to toe as I tried to cover myself from his gaze. He sighed, silence filled the room.

- You.... you really thought so low of me?

I whispered tears started forming in my eyes.

- My love for you was true and strong I was loyal Taehyung and since then I haven't dated anyone because of you my trust from everything vanished.

I said and sat on the sofa beside me feeling weak.

- And you just believed a picture?! Wow. Think about me, I saw you naked with that girl. Think how I felt.

I said and broke down in tears he came and crouched in front of me.

- No I did not had any thing which you're thinking with her. I swear I did not, miso. Believe me.

He said holding my hands in his the familiar warmth wanted me to just hold him forever and just hide myself from the world and make him my shield, but.

- I don't Taehyung. I don't believe you. Not anymore.


Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

What do you think?

Is Taehyung telling truth? Who gave Taehyung that picture? And why?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

He is so cute 🥺🥺❤❤

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He is so cute 🥺🥺❤❤

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