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- I guess you really want to try me. Lee Miso.

Taehyung whispered in my ear.

- You cannot do anything. So stop wasting my time and let me go because it's already past 9.

He smirked.

- Did I just hear you saying that I cannot do anything?

He said it with in a cocky way.

- well sad. I can make that pretty mouth of yours scream my name so loud that even the deaf can hear it.

He said and I gasped. I looked at him with wide eyes. All of my attitude vanishing in the air.

- uh  w-wha-tever. L-let m-me go.

I was stuttering. GREAT. Now he will for sure make fun of me. 

- Why Miso? You seems to enjoy whenever I am near you. 

My cheeks were blood red at this moment. My heart was beating fast. My breath started to increase in a inhuman way.

I guess I need a doctor. 

- Shut up! You don't know anything. Let's go back it's late. 

 - Okay fine.  But just let me show you something.

- What?

- It's a place. Come with me.

He said and held my hand.

- Wait- Where are we going?

- You will see.

We started going deep inside as I looked at the tall trees around us. I was scared so I was close to him. As we were getting closer we heard the sound of water.

- Wait. Water?

- Yeah.

We stopped in front of a stream.

- What do you think? 

He asked as I was way too shocked to say anything as I looked at the beautiful view in front of me. 

- It's... it's... beautiful.

Mesmerizing. The moons reflection can be seen in the water including the stars. It just looks so... beautiful. So unrealistic. The water was really clean.  And it even smells good. Like you know? The rain smell? Just like that.

- I know right.

- But what is this place?

- My secret hide out?

- Was that a question or an answer?

- Both?

I laughed. It just feels so good. So refreshing. I breathed in deeply as I said

- Ahhhh so good. 

I said as I was still so mesmerized by the view in front of me. Taehyung seems to notice my good mood as I could see that he was smiling while looking at me. 

- Let's sit down. 

He said as I looked at him and looked down at the ground. I didn't really care about my dress getting ruined so I was going to sit down when Taehyung stopped me. 

- Stop stop, wait. 

He stopped me as he started to remove his jacket and placed it on the ground neatly and gestured me to sit down. 

- Thank you, but you didn't need to do that you know? 

- Let me be a gentleman. Just don't fart on it

He joked as I laughed while hitting his arm as he smiled too. We both sat down as we were enjoying the comforting silence between us. It was a full moon today which made everything better. 

- Do you like the full moon the most? 

Taehyung asked me as I nodded smiling softly. 

- Yes, full moon is the most beautiful thing. What about you? 

He was quiet for some time before sighing and looking up at the moon. 

- I like the moon from the first to the last stage. If I like something then I must like it's imperfections and flaws too right? Many people don't like moon when it is not full, but I believe we must wait and be patient. And when we are patient enough we get a good result, that is the full moon. So I like each stage of moon because every stage has it's own beauty. 

I listened to his each word and I was left in awe that he could talk so beautifully. I was looking at him as he turned to look at me and in that moment he looked so beautiful, so delicate. I saw the real Kim Taehyung today for the first time and I fell for the first time too. 


Hey lovelies!!!

  How are you?

I know I know this chapter is really really really really really short.  Please forgive me. I was out and couldn't publish the new chapter. Sorry~~

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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