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- Yah Lee Miso!

I heard his voice.

It was becoming more hard for me to keep my eyes open. I felt my body becoming too heavy as I fell down. I couldn't move and I was struggling to breath. 

- Miso? Miso? Miso? Oh my god,  Please wake up. I am Jungkook. Please wake up. Open your eyes Miso. Please.

I heard it all but I was too weak to even move let alone answer him. I felt an arm under my neck and knees.

- Somi. I am here. Let's go back to the dorm.

After that I literally don't remember anything. 

Everything was just black.


He was seeing everything. How she was dripping in water. How her small body was shivering from cold. How an other man was saving his girl. But he could not do anything other than wetting himself too in water. He cannot stand her seeing in pain. This was a foreign feeling for him. And the worst part was he did not knew how to act.

Whenever he saw her black eyes meeting his dark brown eyes. He couldn't control himself nor his heart. He could not stop those weird flips those tingling things happening in his stomach, and neither how his heart starting to beat in an inhuman way and how his breathing stopped when he saw her.

And not even how he was feeling when he saw her in someone else's arms.

And not someone else but his best friend.

He ran there and took her in his arms. But he was not lucky as he saw more of his friends in a car. He kept her in their car and they rode away leaving him behind. He followed them he followed her. In rain. He knew it that this time. He seriously crossed the line.

And he can do anything to fix it.

But he asked himself.

- " But why am I doing this for her? Why only her?"


I slowly opened my eyes, as a bright light was all I could see. I let out a groan as I could hear people moving around and talking. I slowly got up and held my head as it was still paining. 

I realised I was sitting on my bed with other clothes.

I looked around and saw everyone seated surrounding the room. But my eyes were searching him.

I know this. I felt it he was there. He was there. But he did not come to me

- You okay?

- Ahh how many times is she going to faint?

- I guess we need to move in this room?

- Yeah. That's a cool idea.

- Shut up you both she just woke up.

- You okay? Do you need anything?

- Miso~ how many are these? Count my fingers.

- Are you crazy?

- Is your head still spinning?

- You still feel dizzy?

- Shall I bring more medicines?

- guys guys guys I am fine.

- Why were you so wet?

Jeongyeon asked me.

- Uhm I was waiting for a bus.

- Why? Were you not with taehyung?

Momo said.

- y-yea-yeah.

- Why were you standing there alone?

Mina asked as she looked at suspiciously, and I couldn't answer anything. 

- She was not alone.

Jungkook and Chaeyoung said at the same time.

- HUH?

Everyone looked at them.

- Yeah she was not.

Jungkook said.

- No I was alone there.

I said.

- You were not.

He said.

- Yes. Taehyung was standing there too. But I did not get it why were you both standing at the opposite side?

What? He was standing there? But... why?

Chaeyoung said as everyone looked at me. 

- Yeah and why did he not come to you?

Dahyun asked

- Moreover why were you asking for a lift?

Namjoon asked.

- did she woke up-

Taehyung entered the room with something in his hand. 

As soon as he saw me he looked away.

- What's going on between you two?

Jin asked folding his hands as he looked at Taehyung in a serious way, I have never seen SeokJin in a serious expression and now that I am seeing him, he looks scary. 

- W-what? What do you mean?

Taehyung and I both said.

I looked at jeongyeon for help. 

- Guys. She needs rest. Let's get out of this shit hole. Mi, rest well I will bring ice cream for you. Okay?

I nodded as I smiled at her and they all started to leave one by one. 

I'm so blessed to have her.

Everyone said there farewell and went out.

But.... he did not.

I choose to ignore him and got up and sat on my desk. I took out the notes and started looking at them.

Thank god I had them in a packet at least they are not wet.

- Miso.


Hey lovelies! ! How are you?  What do you think about this part?

Before you all come on Taehyung let me give an explanation. Taehyungs character is really complex, he doesn't know how to behave around people he loves. I was inspired to write his character because I was like this too. When you never experience things in your whole life and you don't know how those things work you are just blank. You don't know what to do and what not to do because you are really afraid that if you make one wrong move then your dearest person will walk away from your life forever. Taehyung's character maybe hard for you all to understand but give him sometime, he will grow up and realise from his mistakes and he will become a good man.

What do you think?  What is Taehyung thinking? What is his next step? How will Miso react to it? Will she forgive him

Well please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

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