124 epilogue #2

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5 years later.

Taehyung who was returning from his office to his home in his car was trying to call miso but she was not picking it up. Being worried he said the driver to drive fast.

Reaching his villa he jogged inside and went straight up to their room. He was about to open the door when he heard noises. Noises he hates the most.

Miso was crying.

He barged inside the door to look at miso on their bed, her beautiful face in her hands as she was sobbing. He came near her crouching down as he looked at her holding her hands.

- Kitten, what happened?

He asked concerned as miso looked at him and cried harder.

- T-taehyung, these guys is troubling me so much.

She said as Taehyung looked at her rage filled inside his dark brown eyes

- Who? Tell me who is troubling you Kitten I will kill them.

He said as miso shook her head sniffing she said.

- You cannot kill them because that is these guys.

She said showing two kids who were behind her sleeping. Taehyung looked at the twins and sighed before looking at the love of his life. Her nose was red and lips were swollen red. Natural pink blush covering her white cheeks.

- aigo, you're such a baby.

He said chuckling, all the anger from his body disappearing as he hugged her feeling the warmth of her body.

- are you serious? I already have a baby I'm not a baby.

She said huffing. As Taehyung looked at her and smirked.

- Yeah and ready to make many more babies

He said as he licked his lips coming closer to her she kept a hand on his mouth.

- Don't even think of it! I am sick of these two and you want me to have another? You go to the office but it's me who looks after this sons of Satan's. They are only two years old yet they are so troublesome.

- Guess they went on their daddy

Taehyung said as Miso nodded.

- Right.

She said before taking his cheeks and pulling him closer as their lips met. A warm kiss that turned into a passionate kiss.

- Let's get out of this room I really don't want them waking up

She said as Taehyung nodded taking her in his arms as she wrapped her legs around his torso.

He placed her on the sofa before taking off his tie and shirt. As miso took off her sweater and she was only left in her undergarments.

- I thought someone wasn't ready for more babies.

- I am still not. It's just I need you more.

She said seductively as he came near her.

- When did my kitten became so dirty?

He whispered against her lips as she chuckled

- Since I met you.

She said as he took her hands in his as he looked at their wedding ring beautifully placed on her fingers.

- I still can't believe you are mine.

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