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Darkness. Darkness was engulfing me. I was running and running but the darkness caught me. I was laying in a tomb as I saw people closing the lid. I was shouting and screaming but they did not listen. 

I am alive. I am breathing. 

I was shouting continuously but, was I? Was I actually alive? Laying in a tomb, I was saying I am alive. Aren't tombs meant for those who are dead? Then why am I here? I saw the darkness as it was coming near me, I could hear the taunts, the brutal words I have been listening since forever. 

"Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly"

"You don't deserve to live"

"You are a disappointment"

I woke up panting and sweating as my eyes were filled with tears. It was another nightmare. I started taking deep breaths to calm myself down. I attempted to sit up but I was locked in a pair of hands.

I was locked in his hands.  

I moved him away, and started getting up. My throat was dry and I had to drink water.

I felt him moving, I looked at him.

- Everything okay? Do you need anything?

He asked his voice deep and husky as I looked at him and shook my head. I shouldn't tell him about my nightmare, he will end up blaming himself. 

- Y-yea-yeah. I am good. 

I said and drank water. He looked at me suspiciously. Like come on everyone would be suspicious if a person suddenly sat up in the mid night and drank a whole water bottle. I put the bottle aside and sat there. I felt the bed moving. He held me from back, and I felt his breath on my neck.

I felt warm.

- tell me what is it.

He whispered as I was fighting the urge to not tell him about my nightmares. I wanted him to know what his ex did with me because of him but I shut my mouth. 

 - uhm it's just that I was not feeling well. 

He suddenly put his hand on my fore head as he let out a gasp. 

- What the fuck? You are burning.

He said and got up taking the medic box.

- Which one is for fever?

He said in frustration, as he was scanning all the medicines staring at them with confused eyes. I laughed at his cuteness as I shook my head. 

- I am fine. I don't need one.

- Ssssshhhh.

I sighed giving up as he showed me a medicine. 

- What is this for?

He asked me as I took a closer look to it and my eyes widened when I saw him holding my periods cramps medicine. 


I yelled at him. He seems to notice what it is and smirked.

- oooh it's that .

- S-shut up.

Ughhhh. He is annoyingly cute.

- Isn't this the tonic you gave me?

He showed me the tonic I gave him earlier.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now