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It's been 3 days. And I've decided I will meet Suho. He does deserves a chance if he does anything wrong I will immediately call Taehyung and I will keep a pepper spray with me. Incase, Taehyung won't pick up I am leaving a note.

'If you guys cannot find me I will be at seong-dang area. I love you all. I love you taetae'

I sighed. Done. I just need to call Suho or text him. I opened the smart phone and dialed his number

Ringing: myeonie

I cringed at the name. Only if I knew he was going to turn this way. The other side picked up.

- Hello?

He asked.

- Suho?

I said. The other line was silent for a couple of seconds.

- M-miso? Is that you?

He said sudden excitement filling his voice.

- Yes. Are you free today?

- of course I am. Why did you ask?

He asked as I inhaled a deep breath.

- c-can we meet? It's been a long time isn't it?

I said.

- God of course. Yes it has been a long time.

He said.

- Where do you want to meet?

He asked.

- Seong-dang area? What do you say?

I asked

- uh.. sure. I will pick you up.

He said. Oh no if he comes here then anyone might see him. Fuck

- No No no its alright. I'll come by my own . Okay?

I panicked as the other line was again silent. 

- oh okay.

He said.

- Let's see each other at 4?

I asked and he hummed.

- I looked forward to seeing you.

After that we ended up. It was 2 pm now. I got up and went to take a bath.


It was currently 4:30 pm and I was waiting for him. I wore a cream pant and a bottle green shirt with my sling bag which had my pepper spray ready. I wore my sneakers incase I have to run.

A Benz came inside the abandoned ground. Suho opened the door and exited the car. He wore a blue jeans and a white sweatshirt. My heart warmed. Why did he had to ruin our friendship? Maybe if I will talk to him he will change.

- Hey

He said waving and ran towards me as I waved at him too and he hugged me.

Well I guess hugging your crazy stalker whom you once thought was your friend wasn't a comfortable thing to do.

I separated first.

- How are you?

I asked as he smiled looking at me

- Fine. How about you?

He asked.

- Just exams and stuff.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now