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- I want to talk to you.

His as deep as an ocean voice spoke.

- I am sorry, but I am busy.

I said to him and smiled. But guess he did not take this and as he took my hand and pulled me towards him, and started dragging me with him.

- Taehyung! Taehyung stop dragging me. I said let go of my hand.

I said to him but he was not bothered by my shouts and cries as he continued to drag me. Everyone were giving us some "looks"

He does not seem to be bothered by that too.

He took me to the back of the gym and pinned me to the wall. The cold wall touching my bare back giving me chills as he looked at me. His eyes were dark. There was not much light. Only some light from the far lights of a street light, and the moon's.

What the fuck is wrong with him?

- why did you dragged me here?

- I said I wanted to talk to you, but you seem to take me for granted.

He said to me with his low voice giving me chills down my spine.

- And I said I was busy. And yeah we can figure out who is taking whom for granted Taehyung.

I replied  to him with the same intensity. He did not reply to me we were looking at each other.

- I was just talking with my friends, I thought you were busy speaking with your very new conversation partner.

He said. I scoffed.

- Well, excuse me Mr. Kim Taehyung. I was standing there waiting for you to come to me. But guess that girl who held your hand was much more important for you than your very new girlfriend.

I said in a breath. This is really really really unbelievable. I swear to god if he pushes this on me.

- She was telling me something important. You know it's nothing like that.

- Oh well I don't.

I was boiling with anger right now. How dare he.

- You are being ridiculous and childish now.

He said as he sighed. My eyes widen. He just did not said that.  How could he...

- Oh well since I am being ridiculous and childish why don't we end-

I was going to say something which I did not mean at all when some girl came and interrupted me.

Phew thank god I did not said that.

- Taehyung~ why are you here? Let's get inside. 

She said as she looked at me and scrunched her nose as if she saw something trash.

- Why are you here with her? Like out of everyone HER?

She said exaggerating her sentence.

Bitch I'm his girlfriend. I should be the one to be with him not you hoes

- Uhm well I am coming in a minute

He said scratching his nose. And she hugged him and whispered in his ear.

- You know if you want something for fun I am here.

She said and kissed his ear and went while giving me a disgusting look.

And you know what? He did not even stop her from touching him in front of me.

Okay that's it.

I thought and started walking back to the gym. When I felt him grabbing my hand. He pulled me back and I hit his chest. I looked up at him. My hand was behind my back wrapped around Taehyung's hand. He was holding it too tight.  It was hurting.

- Did I say you can go? I am not finished yet baby.

I was on the verge of tears. How could he still call me baby when a girl just kissed him in front of me?

- Don't. Don't Taehyung. Let me go. I don't want to speak now. At least not with you.

I said with my head down. I don't want him to see me crying again because of him.

- What? Why? Look I'm sorry. I know I should not have stood there even after seeing you there. I am really sorry.

- it's not just about you staying there and not coming to me.

I said as I finally looked at him.

- If it is not just about that then what is it?

He asked.

- It is about people still thinking that you are single and coming and flirting with you. And that too always in front of me. Do you even know how I feel?

I said to him and I started struggling to take my hand out of his.

But of course, he is more strong.

- What? Then what do you want? To tell everyone that we are a thing now? 

- Yes. Will you? Will you tell everyone that I am your girlfriend now. And you are mine. Will you do this?

I said and he did not respond. Instead the grip on my hand loosen. I scoffed.

- Of course. How can the great KIM TAEHYUNG date a nerd and nothing girl like me?

I said and looked up at him straight in his eyes. And the words which I never wanted to say slipped out of my mouth.

- Let's end this.


Hey lovelies! ! ! How are you? 

What do you think?  Will taehyung and Miso end here? What will be Taehyung's reaction to it? Will he let go of  Miso once again? What will Miso say to Taehyung again?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

PS : 9k reads soooooonnn

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