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I noticed that a lot of you had problem with the last part of the last chapter so I  changed it. Please do go and check it :)
And I'm really sorry if you felt uncomfortable with that part.


Taehyung came back to room after throwing that thing away. I was scared to hell. Scared to even be alone. After a lot of requests Taehyung threw that thing.

-Are you okay?

He sat beside me and asked. I shook my head. My eyes filling up with the new tears, my head was aching, I was scared to death. Taehyung noticed and sighed as he rubbed my back I leaned on him and cried. He got me up and I sat on his lap and kept my head on his chest and wept. He was silent just shuushing me and patting my back. 

He knows so well how to comfort me.

After a while, I moved my head and wiped my tears still sitting on his lap. His hands rested on each side of me. I sniffed.

- Who could do this? 

I whispered, the image of the heart was still so vivid as if it is still in front of me. 

- D-do you think it is that stalker? 

I asked as Taehyung sighed in frustration. 

- I will notify the guards to check the cameras and tell me who it was. Don't you worry Miso, I know it must be really traumatizing but trust me, I will always protect you and be here for you. 

He promised as I nodded and looked down. 

- Water?

He asked slowly. I shook my head

- I don't want to move.

I mumbled as he chuckled softly. 

- You don't have to.

He said and I looked up at him

- What do you mea-AH

I was saying but he got up taking me with him. I wrapped my legs around his torso.

- Told ya!

He said and I rolled my eyes. He sat on the other side of the bed where there was a mini fridge. I took the bottle and drank it all. My throat was dried up from the scream and crying. The water spill on my clothes and it came down my neck to under my shirt. I felt the coolness of it.

I kept the water bottle on the side stand.

- Someone was thirsty huh?

He said raising a brow and biting his lips his gaze on my neck. The sudden want to kiss him raised in me.

- Still am.

I said as I kissed him he immediately responded keeping his hands on my butt as I wrapped my arms around his neck and my hands in his hair. Our kiss got a little rough and hot as his lips started to continue its assault on my neck. I moaned softly. He started to leave open mouth kisses on my neck. My hands caught the hem of his shirt and pulled it up leaving him shirtless as my hands roamed all over his body.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now