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- I hope there are not any boys in your room Miso. 

My mother said and left.


My mind and heart was a mess. Just the thought of my parents knowing that I am dating- no wait, that I am dating Taehyung, gives me anxiety. I shivered at the thought of my parents acknowledging our relationship. Then I remembered something..

Shit Taehyung..

I quickly turned around and ran to my wardrobe. I opened the door and saw Taehyung with a weird position. His knees near his chest and his neck was tilted near the end of the wardrobe. He was just looking so.

Cute and funny

He had a frown on his face.

- Can I get out now?

He asked annoyed by me laughing at him. I nodded and gave him my hand. He got out and immediately caught his neck.

- Ahhh my neck..

He whined and massaged his neck. I burst into laughter. Taehyung narrowed his eyes and looked at me.

- What's. So. Funny.

He asked through his gritted teeth. I looked at him and tried to control my laughing. After a good 5 minutes taking my time controlling my laugh. I glanced at him, and saw his hands on his waist and he was looking at me and giving me look of " are- you-done?" I smiled innocently and said.

- I'm sorry you just looked so funny and cute.

I said and he widened his eyes.

- I am not cute. Okay?

He said and I took his cheeks in my hands.

- You are cute.

I said and stuck my tongue out, and went to make my bed. I heard him gasp.

- How dare you?

He said and I did not bother to turn around and answer him. I knew he will again reply me with a sarcastic comment.

Instead I felt his warm hands holding my waist, and pulling me closer to his body.

- You should complete it if you started it.

He said and I did not understood what he meant. So I turned around and looked at him confused. He noticed it and kissed me. I replied back almost instantly. I broke the kiss and he looked at me and grinned.

- I meant this.

He said and I chuckled.

- And you say you are not cute.

I said and we laughed. I came to know about a lot of  things about him. The most surprising one was.

- Why? Why are you so surprised?

He asked me and raised his brow.

- Don't tell me. You don't know how to freaking make a bed? Wow.

I said and scoffed. He looked at me and said.

- Well every one is not so "over protective" towards your things. 

He said and this was his time to scoff.

I gasped dramatically. And kept my hand on my mouth.

- Over protective?? I just like to keep my things neat and clean.

- Oh is that so? Then everyone is not so obsessed with cleaning stuff.

He said. God he is freaking annoying me right now. 

- Kim. Fucking. Taehyung.

I said through my gritted teeth.

He looked at me as if I was some creep. 

- Woah did you just swear?

He asked me and laughed. I narrowed my eyes at him.

- What do you mean?

I asked him. My anger boiling inside me .

I swear if he won't stop ...

- no offence, but a "good girl" like you swearing and doing bad stuff. So not like you.

- Excuse me? Are you under estimating me?

I said and he scoffed 

- no sweet heart but you are just so good that you cannot do anything bad.

He said and smirked.

- What the.. who said that I cannot do anything bad? Of course I can.

I said

- Really I don't thi-

I had enough. I wanted to proof that I can do anything bad. Of course I can. There is nothing that Lee Miso cannot do. So I walked to him and

Kissed him.



Hey lovelies! !  How are you?

What do you think? What will be Taehyung's reaction to Miso's step? Are they going to find again? Who is suspecting that Taehyung and Miso are dating?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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