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I was awake by the feeling of strong arms around me. I groaned as I felt hot. I opened my eyes and saw the AC was turned off.

Ughh stupid Taehyung.

I tried to remove his arms and was successful. I searched for the remote and saw that it was near Taehyung's side table.

Wow life.

I bend over and saw that he crossed the boundary.

Hmph. I need to tell him about this.

I got up and took the remote and switched on it. I saw in what position I was. I was literally  hovering over him. My one hand on the pillow beside him and the other one near his head. I took this chance to take a glance at him. I saw how peaceful he looked while sleeping. Just like a baby. His lower lip was out and his mouth was slightly open.

What the fuck?  Is he pouting in his sleep?

I chuckled at the sight and suddenly he opened his eyes looking at me. I widen my eyes as I lost my balance and I fell on him.

- What the- you scared me!

I said and he looked at me deeply. I sat up straight and fixed my shirt and hair.

- I should be the one asking you that.

He said as he sat up too. 

- What do you mean?

I asked confused.

- You are sleeping and someone is staring at you in a creepy way. What will be your reaction?

He asked and I was silent as I glared at him. 

- Whatever. 

I mumbled and he chuckled and now I noticed that how his voice sounded 2 times more sexy when he is freshly woken up.

- Why did you switched off the AC? do you know how hot I was feeling? And you were all up on me. Do you have any idea how much heavy you are? Also,  you crossed the boundary. Yah, Kim Taehyung, if you cross the pillow again then I will push you off the bed. Yah! Are you even listening? 

I rant and saw him folding his hands and smiling. I frowned.

- What are you smiling at?

I asked.

- You. 

He pointed towards me.

- You are cute when you rant.

He said and suddenly as I was taken aback, I blinked continuously all of my anger and complains were gone. I turned my head to the other side and saw the time.

9:48 AM.

- It is so late.

I gasped as I took a deep breath in and stretched. I was feeling fresh, I don't remember the last time I slept so comfortably without having to wake up every hour at night. 

- It's still early. No one wakes up at this time  in this house.

He said and plopped himself at the bed again.

- What? But it is your mom's birthday. How can no one wake up early even on this day?

I asked saying more to myself than him.

- Well this is how it works here sweetheart. Now sleep.

He said and pulled me.

- I guess mom is awake. I will go and take a shower and get ready. If you want to sleep you can.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now