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Since a very young age, I had inferiority complex and being with Taehyung never made it better. Although, he always boosted up my confidence but everyone else loved to remind me how I am not compatible for him. We both are not equal, Taehyung is a royalty and I am just another girl. Just another toy he will throw away when he will be bored of me. I never thought that would happen, but it did. Whatever self confidence I had was crushed down. 

I had trouble going out meeting new people, talking to anyone. My past made me believe that I was easily replicable, which made it hard for me to do even normal daily activities. I started to have trust issues, my paranoia started to get worse each day. But after ten years, I am self confident, I started to love myself. 

I realized, nobody could heal me, it's in my hand. 

After a while I decided to go to shopping. I went down the hotel and saw the same boy. He was alert when he saw me as he stood straight.

- Do you need anything ma'am?

He asked I chuckled.

- Yes can I please get the car keys? I want to go to shopping.

I asked.

- I can take you to the mall ma'am.

He said as I nodded.

- okay then.

I said as we headed outside the hotel. When I was going near the car I saw Taehyung entering his car. He looked at me once and then wore his glasses as he sat in his car. I did the same.


I was inside the mall and was almost done with the shopping when suddenly I saw someone, someone I know.

- M-Miso? Is that r-really you?

I heard Jeongyeon say. I widen my eyes as the breath was caught in my throat. She ran towards me as she hugged me tight. Tears started falling from my eyes due to the familiar long lost touch. I hugged her back.

- oh my god?! How? When? What? Why? Why didn't you tell me you were coming?

She said wiping the tears from my face.

- I am so sorry. It was just so sudden.

I said as she nodded.

- Let's sit somewhere.

She said as we went to a nearby cafe.



She yelled as I hushed her.

- Talk slowly.

I whispered as I rolled my eyes, even after all these years her habits haven't changed. 

- oh my goodness I cannot believe you both, first you just disappeared out of nowhere and Taehyung locked himself up for like 2 years and now you are his therapist like what the actual fuck is going on?

She blabbered as she put her head on her hand

-I don't even know.

I sighed. She took my hand and said.

- Did you meet him?

I nodded.

- Yes, yes I did. We acted so strangely. Like we don't know each other, like never happened anything between us. It was so...professional I guess? 

I said not feeling sure of my answer she sighed.

- You both are really something else. But what now? How many days are you gonna stay here?

She asked hope filled in her eyes.

-until I treat him or until he fires me.

- Which I'm sure he wont.

She scoffed as she sipped on her coffee and I shrugged.

-Even I was sure he wouldn't do things which he did.

I said and a sad smile appeared on my face.

- Never mind what's going on in your life? Are you and Jimin still in a relationship or what?

I asked and a shy smile appeared on her beautiful face as she raised her hand and showed me. There was a ring in her hand.

- oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God!

I squealed and hugged her tight.

- When is the wedding?

I asked her and she laughed.

- Its in next 3 months.

She said and I widen my eyes and hugged her again.

- I'm so happy for you both.


After meeting Jeongyeon she insisted me to meet everyone else, and I did. They were all so happy to see me but not more than I was. Jin was a CEO of a skincare company and Yoongi, Namjoon, Chaeyoung were in music industry. Momo was a prosecutor and Jeongyeon was a lawyer. Hoseok Mina were in dance and entertainment industry. Whereas, Jimin and Jungkook were successful engineers, Dahyun was an actress. Sadly Momo and Hoseok broke up but were still great friends and mina moved on from Jungkook and now was dating someone else. The only single people were Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok. 

The time passed away quickly and without me realizing it, it was past 10. Jungkook dropped me off to the hotel as I bid my goodbyes to him. I came inside my room and took a shower and slept.


6:30 PM Taehyung's office.

I was waiting for that dumb head, but he was nowhere to be found. I sighed. He is always late and just when I was about to get up and leave the door opened and he entered. I tried to calm myself.

- You are late. I told you to be here sharp 6PM.

- I don't remember promising you that I will be here.

He shrugged and threw his coat beside me. I took a deep breath trying to control my anger.

Control miso, you don't want to end up in jail for killing a person. Control.

- Okay so for the first session, what do you want to say?

I asked as he looked at me.

- you are still wearing that necklace.

He said and immediately my hand went to the necklace he gave me as I gulped.

- When was the first time you started feeling like you were having disorders? did you faced any symptoms from the beginning? Or did something triggered it?

I asked ignoring his words as he scoffed before answering me.

- I had impulsiveness and anger issues from start, I liked to have the upper hand in everything. But then someone came into my life and I started changing myself for her, but she left me too. So I guess that incident triggered me to be a mentally fucked up person which I am today.

He chuckled and I was left speechless. I closed my eyes for a minute taking a deep breath inside and when I opened them he was really near me.


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