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We parted away and saw Taehyung's friend Suho. I widen my eyes and pushed myself away from Taehyung.

God. This is so embarrassing

I face palmed myself internally because of my carelessness as I cleared my throat. 

- Hey bro.

Taehyung said and they both did this 'bro' hug thing. Familiar pictures started coming in my mind. They have always been like this. This close. Even if Taehyung is close with his new friends, I cannot unseen the bond between these two. Taehyung and Suho were always close, they always did everything together. Suho's parents always used to neglect him which made Suho lonely, but Taehyung took in charge to make Suho feel that he is not alone. Both of them have always shared everything, nobody left each other's side ever. 

I felt a shiver when I saw how Suho was looking at me. He was actually the only one whom I used to talk to, but I stopped talking to him after I left for states, come to think of that he was my only friend in middle school I wouldn't even say he was a friend because he was more than that, he always protected me, gave me energy and motivation I needed the most at that time. I smiled at him but he just turned his head the other way.


I ignored the hurt feeling and looked at the cake.

- I will go now. You guys catch up.

I said and Taehyung nodded as I walked back to my room. 


1: 54 PM. The living room.

We all were seated in our places talking and having a family time. I was sitting on the single sofa and Taehyung was sitting on the handle of it. His hand was resting on my shoulder as he was leaning on it. I smiled. Next to me was a huge ass sofa on which all of our friends were sitting and next to Taehyung was also a huge cream color sofa. And in front of us was a white fur sofa. Everyone were seated comfortably and enjoying the time.


I felt a nudge as I looked up and saw Taehyung looking at me.

- what?

I whispered as he leaned near my ear

- When are we going to bring the cake? Everyone had already eaten their breakfast. And now it's time for the gifts too.

He whispered. Oh right. I forgot as I grinned at him.

- we will be the last one to give our present.

I said and he groaned. As if on que Nayeon stood up and said.

- Come on time for the gifts.

She said and clapped her hands like a 3 year old. I smiled at her.

- Did you bought a gift Taehyung or...?

Baekhyun teased him and smirked. 

- let's see about that.

Was all Taehyung said and I smiled mischievously.

One by one everyone stood and gave mom gifts.

Baekhyun and Irene gave her a elegant set of diamond. And Nayeon gave her a pillow on which was printed the picture of her and mom. Mr. Kim gave her a ring and now it was our chance as I stood up and went to the kitchen.

- Taehyung? what are you going to give?

I heard Namjoon saying.

I came out and stood beside Taehyung with the cake in my hand.

- This is our gift for you. 

Taehyung said shyly as he looked down playing with his sweater paws as I smiled at him. 

Aww what a rare sight.

- Oh my god. Did you make it?

- That looks so yummy.

- Did you look at those decorations?

- wow I am speechless. 

- How thoughtful of Taehyung.

- Was it really his idea?

- man I am starving for that cake.

- He even knows her favorite flavor.

We heard everyone saying but all he could see was how shocked mom was and how her eyes were in tears.

She came near us and kissed Taehyung's forehead.

- Out of all the gifts I received. This is the best one. 

She said.

- oh mooooommm come on, you just said mine was the nice.

Baekhyun complained.

- yours was nice but his is the best.

Nayeon said and all of us laughed. I kept the cake on the table and stood straight.

- Did you make it?

She asked Taehyung, he wasn't answering but I immediately grabbed his hand.

- Yes mom. He made it for you.

I said and Taehyung looked at me and frowned.

- Oh my god my baby.

She said and hugged him. He hugged her back and smiled. I awed internally at the height difference. 

'Thank you' Taehyung mouthed and I smiled.

- but I also have one more gift for you mom. 

He said and everyone looked at him curiously. What? One more gift?  He never told me about it. He went upstairs and we were waiting impatiently for him downstairs. He came down after 5 minutes with a huge ass picture which was covered with a gift wrapper. 

- Take a look at this.

He said and gave it to mom. She kept it on the nearest sofa and unwrapped it. What we saw left shocked me.

It was a picture of his family.  Like in all his dad his mom Nayeon Baekhyun and him smiling brightly in the picture.  Taehyung looked young like he was 16 or 17.

- this is the picture I always keep in my wallet along with her's.

He said and looked at me, I looked at him in shock.


-Mom. You always tried to keep our family together you always made us all stay. Always made us smile you heard our problems and the unsolved questions in our mind was solved by you. You scolded us but whenever we were grumpy you came and made us feel better with your cookies. You gave us many reasons to stay. Whenever I lay my head on your lap I feel like I am that 5 year old who is afraid of the world but when you run your hands in my hair I feel strong I feel like I can cope up with anything and anyone. Thanks for always being there with us. With me. I love you ma.

He said and mom broke down in tears and hugged him. I felt myself tearing up too and saw everyone emotional. I wiped the tears.

Oh Taehyung, I love you so much.


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It made me tear up :'(

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