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My mind went blank and my expression was horrified. I kept my hand on my mouth.

Out of all people, why only he?

My trust, my memories with him my feelings for him, our friendship. Everything everything was ruined because of this one clip.

They must notice my expression as Wendy kept a hand on my shoulder.

- Do you know him?

She asked. Seriousness written all over their faces. I nodded slowly gulping the lump formed in my throat. Joy sighed and put her head down.

- We are still not sure if it is him.

Joy said. I looked at her.

- W-w-what do you m-mean?

I stuttered fighting back the tears. As pathetic as it sounds I still had hope that it was not him.

- Means, I need to go and check the shop and ask the owner if the SIM was bought by him or not.

- then we still have a chance that he is not the accused right?

I had hope filled in my voice. She nodded and I sighed in relief.

- I will go and contact the owner.

Joy said as she left.

- How do you know him?

Wendy asked.

- uhm he is a childhood friend of mine and also he is kind of a very close friend of Taehyung.

I explained as Wendy nodded.

- Wait

Lisa suddenly said. We both looked at her.

- If he is a childhood friend of yours and also a close friend of your boyfriend.. then it means he came to that party am I right?

Lisa said and I nodded.

- Yes he was there.

I said feeling uneasy to where it was going.

- What are you trying to say Lisa? 

Wendy said.

- And when did he left? Did he left on the day of the party or with you all?

She asked.

- Uhhhh, I am not sure but I guess he left on the day of party as on the other day only the family was there.

I said and she snapped her fingers.

-Knew it.

Lisa said excitedly. I frowned at her.

- If he left on the party day and you found that heart thingy on the same day.. wait that doesn't make sense how can he send that shit when he was leaving?

Wendy said. Lisa sighed.

- That's what I am saying. I have two theories. One- he left on the same day because he does not want anyone to blame him or consider him as the accuse.

She said and we nodded.

- And second- Someone is helping him.

She said and I gasped.

- No way.

I whispered and at the same time Joy entered the room with her phone in her hand. She sighed as she came near the table we were surrounded.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now