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- Oppa what are you doing here?

Taehyung and I turned our heads together to see who's the owner of this bitchy voice


What is she doing here?

- What are you doing here?

Taehyung asked her and I backed away when I noticed her gaze gazing my hands wrapped around Taehyung's.

I took a deep breath reminding myself who I am. 

- Well I heard you were here for the detention. So I came here to have some fun. But I didn't knew that this church girl was also with you.

I looked at her with a sharp look.

Church girl? Who the hell does she think she is? 

- uhm yeah.

- But no problem. She won't look at us. We can do anything.

She said and winked at Taehyung.

My heart was beating fast. It was like I couldn't breath. Like I was suffocating.

Taehyung won't accept it right? Yes. He won't.

- Not now babe. The professor might come at any time.


- oppa~~ This whole place is yours and yeah-

She said and clapped her hands.

- We can make this girl stand out. Yah knock on the door if anyone comes. Okay?

She told me.

I looked back at Taehyung.

- Nancy not now. We are about to discuss the project-

- What? Since when are you so worried about studying and projects?

- The marks are for finals. And you cannot even stay here. It's detention. A punishment. And we got the punishment. So,

I said to her. And she started laughing.

- Look who got a mouth to speak.

She said and folded her hands to her chest.

- Well now me and my oppa wants to have some fun. So get out and inform us if someone's coming. You can do the project later.

She said while walking towards us.

- Well I didn't hear your "oppa" saying yes to have fun. And I'm not a security guard of yours. If you want to do it just wait for 15 minutes. The detention will be finished by 15 minutes.

I said and smiled.

- You bitch how dare you to talk to me like that? First, you leak my pictures and now you are acting like this with me? I will give you a taste. 

She said and was going to slap me when I caught her hand and twisted it.

- Well did I say I'm a blackbelt in Taekwondo?

-You... let go of me

I twisted it more as she started crying and moaning in pain as I looked at her with a cold look. 

- You shouldn't underestimate someone. And before calling me a bitch you need to look at yourself in the mirror. Just because I don't say anything doesn't mean I will allow you to insult me like this. Next time, before crossing your boundaries with anyone remember this. 

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now