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We were walking towards our room. Taehyung did not say anything. His ears were as red as a red blood. He's angry.

I sighed. We got inside the room and I was in left in awed. His room was so amazing.

His walls were colored in crimson brown and it had some designs on it which gave it a royal look. His bed was king sized which could fit 5 persons. Lamp table on each side and at the corner of his room was his large ass bathroom. His study was at the other side and in the middle was a sofa. For the closet he had another room.  Near the balcony he had a coffee table. And wow his balcony.

- Earth to Miso. 

I heard him and I flinched. I looked at him with wide eyes.

- I-I I'm s-sorry.

I said. Wait- I don't even know why I was apologising. Ughh, Miso you are way too awkward.

- Why do you have such a large ass room when no one lives here?

Honestly, 3 dorms can fit in the one room.

- Because I am rich

He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and took my luggage to the closet.

- Did you just rolled your eyes at me again?

He said and I ignored him and started unzipping my bad. He came in the closet.

- Oh I guess you forgot the consequences princess?

He said and I felt my cheeks turning hot red.

Well, I haven't seen his consequences in a long time. 

I thought. Jeez stop it miso, you are such a pervert. Staying alone with him will do me no good, I will either be too angry or too horny. 

I closed my eyes tight and stopped the urge to roll my eyes again. But I failed I low key rolled my eyes again. Enough to not see him. But then of course, my luck was not with me. He let out a dark laugh and said.

- Looks like I need to show you again what will happen. 

He said as I felt his breath on my neck and he grabbed my hips. I hitched my breath and bit my lips. He bit my earlobe causing me to let out a moan. His other hand wrapping around my waist as I held it tight. My knees weakening by each movement. He spun me around and made me sit on the table. I looked at him as we were now looking at each other eye to eye.

- I want you.

Slipped out of my mouth, without me thinking about it.

I don't regret it tho.

His hands were on my waist and mine on his neck as he kissed me. God I missed him so much. His touch those little tingling feels, these butterflies in my stomach and those stomach flips. He pulled me closer closing the space if any left between us. I pulled his shirt up to his neck and removed it. I swallowed hard. Well of course, I was seeing him like this after a very long time.

He came near me again and started unzipping my dress and was removing it when we heard a knock on the door. I quickly wore my dress again and he put on his shirt again. 

Ughh who is it?

He left and opened the door and we saw Mrs. Kim. She came in.

- I hope I am not disturbing you.

She said and smiled when I came out.

- No not at all Mrs. Kim

I said and she frowned. I looked over Taehyung who was drinking water 

- Call me mom.

I widen my eyes and Taehyung choked. I don't know what to say I just smiled and nodded 

- Anyways, I was saying that come down soon the lunch will be with everyone.

She said as she was leaving.

- Mom

I heard Taehyung.

- Did she come?

He asked and raised my brows.

She who?

His mom just smiled and nodded. Then she left. I turned around to see Taehyung stripping his shirt I quickly turned around again. 

- Don't act as if you were not needy for me just 5 minutes ago.

He said and I felt offended. I turned around and raised a brow.

- And don't you act like you did not started it.

I said with a sassy voice. He tilted his head and raised a brow.

- Just because I did does not mean that you need to be so needy kitten.

He said and smirked.

- Whhhhhaaaaaatt? What can I do when there is a fucking hot man in front of me? Should I be not needy? Don't you dare blame this on me.

I said and breathed out.

- Fucking hot man huh?

He said with cheesy smile. And then ladies and gentlemen, I realised what I said.

I took my towel and ran inside the bathroom.

I heard him laughing loudly.

Why am I so awkward?


Hey lovelies!!!

How are you? What do you think?

She embarrasses herself always lol. I like how she always speaks her mind lmao it's fun to write Miso again. 

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

Stream DNA hoomans.

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