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I woke up panting and sweaty. Shit it was a nightmare again. I thought I was already done with that. Deja-vu of that dream came back to me. I closed my eyes thinking of that dream.

I was in the coffin when jun myeon came and helped me. I was losing my conscious. He pulled me out helping me breathing as he pat my back and sprinkling some water and making me drink it. The dark clouds spreading away from my eyes and the bright light piercing into my eyes. After some time I saw things clearly. Young Suho's innocent eyes looking at me with his worried look.

- M-miso.

He whispered. I didn't do anything I didn't say anything. Nothing was pained as much as it did now.

- H-he never H-helped me m-myeonie

I said shaking. Still in the trauma. He hugged me.

And soon the dream changed to where I was looking at myself in Taehyung's room me holding the velvet box with a petrified expression. And then in a blink of an eye the scene was changed to Taehyung hugging me and comforting me and it changed again where Joy telling me that it was Suho and then the scene changed again and I was in a white room Taehyung and Suho standing on each side of me. I was in the middle of the room.

Both of them looking at each other  with a stern look.

- Choose me!

I heard Taehyung's voice. I looked at him. Now they both looking at me. 

- Choose me miso. You know I have always been good with you

I heard the soft voice of Suho.  He is right he has always been more than nice to me. I started taking slow steps towards him when I heard Taehyung's voice again.

- Are you still good to her? I don't think terrifying your girl is a kind of a 'nice' act.

He said with now a smirk. I stopped.

- yeah, as if playing with her feelings is. 

Suho said with now smirk as I looked at Taehyung. He was right too

- That was past. Talk about present. Now we both are happy with each other and love each other dearly.

Taehyung said. Yes he is right. We love each other. I started taking steps towards him.

- You really think? Think about it again miso.

Suho said and the dream vanished.

I was wet in my own sweat. I got up and saw the time

4 AM

I sighed. I went to my wardrobe and took out wet wipes as I wiped the sweat. I took Taehyung's t shirt and wore it removing mine. It was kind of hard for me because of the bandage. I went to the window and thought about the dream. I was so confused.


He has always been very nice to me. He was the one who helped me when no one did. Made me heal. Made me laugh even on the worst days of my life. But I just could not think of him more than a friend figure. 

And then there is


Who never did anything to stop the bullying. Always made me cry, made a bet about my virginity. Although he didn't hurt me much when we were young and it wasn't his fault that all the bullying happened. But still now he loves me more than anyone and so do I. He is the one who's keeping  my broken pieces together. Whom I love so much.

Ughh this is too hard. But still Suho did deserve a second chance. If maybe I will go and talk to him he might understand?

I heard the bed move and my head snapped towards its direction Taehyung got up and rubbed his eyes.

- are you okay? Does it pain a lot?

He asked and I smiled and shook my head as a no.

- Then come and sleep.

He said before plopping himself on the bed again. I chuckled.

Whatever happens he will always remain my man and me his woman


Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

Yes yes I'm not dead lol. I just finished my exams and I'm sorry that this chapter was sooooooo bad. I guess I just forgot writing? Lol💀

Well what do you think?

Will Miso really give Suho a second chance? Does he deserves it? What will Taehyung's reaction to it be?

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜


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