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-"But no one is and was as special as you."

Taehyung's words were lingering in my mind. It's almost 2 hours since he left. And I am here still thinking about him.

I was confused. Why would he say that? What does he mean by that? My mind is literally spinning. I really need to talk about this with someone else. But who?

Jeongyeon? Maybe...

As if I was summoning her she entered the room.

- Jeez why is the atmosphere so cold?

- Jeongyeon-ah~

- What happened now?

- look I am going to say you something but please don't over react AND please do not tell this to anyone not even anyone from our group. Okay?

She nodded.

- Now tell me what is it? I'm dying because of the curiosity.

I told her everything. About the past and the present. She was giving me mixed expressions. Her emotions were sometimes sad angry gasping groans happy and... perverted.


- Sssshhhh stop shouting will you?

I covered her mouth with my hand.

- Do you want every people to know this? Idiot.

- I'm sorry. But it's really a shock. Like Taehyung and... you? It's a cultural shock.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

- What do you mean by that? huh?

- N-nothing. But wait you said he was the bully. That means... you get your nightmares because of...him?

I looked at her and shook my head.

- See he never directly bullied me but it was his girl-

- Yeah yeah, girlfriend I know. He still did not stop her from doing everything which makes him an even worse person. 

She said rolling her eyes as I nodded my head and was silent. 

- oh my god you guys are really a mess.

She said while shaking her head.

- Jeongyeon-ah I don't know what to do. Like one time he is so sweet and then the other time he is like that jerk.

- I know I know. He is really like that. Sometimes I think he gets periods.


- like you know he has so many mood swings. So I just thought.

I slapped her hand.

- Idiot. He's a man.

We sat there in silence.

- but Miso, I can assure you that he really never ever was interested in anyone. Especially that Nancy.

- I know that what I fear the most is that he is not interested in me too...

- Aishh don't worry. We will see about that. But personally I don't want you to be with him.

- What do you mean?

- Like you know.. if you guys will fight it will affect the whole group. He loves his friends more than anything.

I nodded slowly.

- I know...

- Hey. It's alright okay? Just go with the flow. Don't over think so much. Alright?

I looked at her and smiled.

- What's the time?

I asked her

- uhm it's 8 pm.


I quickly got up from the bed and went to the desk. Idiot.

But I really felt relieved after talking to Jeongyeon. Maybe I should stop over thinking things? Ughhhh whatever.



We all sat in our places. I bought two sandwiches an egg role and coke. Ahhhh after a long time I will be eating so much.

- It's only a week and they started giving us projects.

Jungkook whined as everyone whined with him too. 

- I know right.

Momo said.

- Taehyung, what did you thought about the project? Where should we go?

- What you two are partners? Or something?

Hoseok asked surprised as I nodded. 

- yeah, he is my partner. 

- and bully too.

Jeongyeon mumbled. I kicked her leg under the table.

- what did you say just now jeon?

Jin asked as she shook her head.

- So what do you think?

I asked Taehyung again. He looked at me food stuffed in his mouth. Cute.

- Huh? Well I know a place we can go there.

He said and I showed him a thumbs up.

Where is he going to take me?


Hey lovelies! ! How are you?

What do you think? Where is Taehyung taking Miso?

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