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I felt like my breathing was stopped. All those flash backs were coming back to me as a tsunami. It was like a wave of emotions.

Anger, Uncomfortable, Scared, and most importantly feeling like a killer 

I turned around as soon as I saw him looking at me with a smirk. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down.

I'm not so weak. I have all my loved ones here. No one can do anything.

I was encouraging myself when I felt a hand behind my back and flinched. 

It was 


I was scared that it might be him.

- you okay mate?

He asked. I looked up at him and sighed I looked around and saw everyone's attention on our table. 

I sighed again.

- Yeah I'm fine. 

- You wanna get out of here Miso? 

Jimin asked. I nodded but before anyone could blink an eye I was grabbed by a large hand wrapped around my upper arm as he dragged me up. I looked up with wide eyes as I saw Taehyung red and furious.

- Let's get out from here, Miso. 

I can feel everyone frowning.

Taehyung and me. We know each other so well. When he calls me by my birth name that just shows either he is sorry or angry. For me when I call him taetae it is either when I feel so much love for him or when I am extremely sad.

And now I know that he is extremely angry.

You know in those cartoons or movies where when a person is really angry their nose and ears have these smokes coming out of them.

Taehyung looked like that right now.

I quickly got up and held his hand tight.

We started walking out if the cafeteria when we heard someone said.

- Running like a cowards. HAH why not face me fuckards?

Not just anyone but he.

I felt Taehyung's grip on my hand tighten. Veins were visible on his arms and neck. 

This bitch just did not said that. 

He turned around and glared at Jihyun and I swear I saw Jihyun including everyone shiver.

Jihyun made the biggest mistake in his entire life.

- what did you just said?

Taehyung asked in his calm voice.  And the whole cafeteria knew that it was over for that hoe. Some people were clicking pictures some were taking videos and some where ready with their popcorn as the drama was about to get started. Taehyung took his another hand and removed mine from his as he started walking towards him with his slow steps. I grabbed his shoulder as he looked at me as I slightly shook my head giving him a look of

"Don't. He wants this."

But he just gave me a glare as his eyes spoke.

"He deserves this"

And I suddenly removed my hand from his shoulder.

He went towards him as they stood face to face.

Taehyung was so calm that I was scared.

Scared that he would definitely kill Jihyun if he won't shut his ass up.

- I give you 5 seconds to take back whatever the shit you spilled from your shitty mouth and apologise.

He said as he kept his hands in his pockets.

Jihyun smirked and let out a laugh.

- Your girlfriend is a whore Kim.  She was with me to make you jealous. A fucking bitch isn't she?

I gasped. And I heard everyone gasping too.

Jeongyeon and others came towards me as they held me.

Taehyung looked at Jihyun and.


A very big and great punch on his ugly ass face. 

- What did you just say?

This time it looked like Jihyun was ready too as he punched Taehyung back.

Oh no.

They both were straddling each other as they both did not stop beating each others ass out. The boys tried to stop them as they separated them but still they were so aggressive as if they both are hungry for each others blood. 


Jihyun yelled as he laughed out loudly. 


I shouted as I went near Jihyun, everyone looked at me with wide eyes. I was standing near him as he looked and smirked at me. 

- What? Want to continue what we left? 

Jihyun asked with a nasty look on his face. I had a cold look on my face as I kicked where the sun doesn't shine, he let out a gasp as I held his arm as I threw his body on the floor and twisted his arm as he let out a yawp. 

- Don't speak a word against my boyfriend you piece of shit and don't you ever dare to disrespect any women. 


Hey lovelies!! How are you?

I'm sorry I know this chapter was really boring and unnecessary but I was not getting any idea as I have my exams.


What do you think? What will be everyone's reaction be to Miso? 

Well please do continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

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