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The call ended. My body started to turn cold, my hands were turning wet, as my eyes widened. The fact that he was still following me and knew everything I was doing petrified me. Taehyung was shaking me and calling my name but I cannot feel anything it was like I was numb. I felt a splash of water on my face and I took a deep breath in, and started coughing vigorously.  I closed my eyes and took deep breaths in as I removed the water from my face.

- Miso? What happened? Who was it? Why do you look so pale?

I heard Taehyung's voice. I looked at him worried and confusion written all over his face and at that moment tears started to flow from my eyes like a river. I put my hands on my face and started crying out loud. I felt myself being picked up and now I was in his lap face deep inside  his chest.

He was comforting me. The fact that I was in his arms safe and sound calmed my nerves but also that there's a creepy stalker who knows everything whatever I am doing is not helping me to calm either.

After a while I moved from his chest and locked my eyes with the dark brown eyes which can always bring peace to me.

- Thanks for making me wet. Oh I mean for making my shirt wet 

He said and I let out a chuckle as I shook my head.

- Now will you tell me what happened?

He asked me and I nodded slowly.

- Well, th-the stal-stalker called me a-again.

I said and the tears were already forming. My lips quivered as I let out a breath. Taehyung sighed and ran his hand through his hair clearly frustrated.

- Oh I'm so going to kill him when I find him.

He said through his gritted teeth.

- What did he say?

He asked resting his hands on my waist as he brought me closer. I told him whatever he said and he frowned.

- I think it is someone we know.

He said and I shot my head up.

- W-what? Taehyung don't say anything without thinking.

I said firmly. It's impossible. Like no way, someone we know? No no no no way!! Someone I know not at all. But someone he knows I'm not sure.

- Think about it kitten, that piece of shit knows what ever you are doing. It is for sure someone we know.

He said grabbing my hands while saying trying to make me believe him.

- I don't know tae I'm just so tired. 

I said as I laid on his chest again and closed my eyes.

I just want this all of this to end soon




I was now taking miso back to her dorm. She slept in the car and I have to carry her not that I mind. She must be so exhausted mentally and physically. I honestly feel bad for her because somewhere I was at fault for her state.

Only if I did not force her on this fake relationship with me she would not have been so tired.

I was selfish. I wanted her even though I was the one who left. My heart ache to see her like this.

And the fact that this is her we are talking about she is going to think about this a lot and fall sick. As overthinking is something she is a pro at.

I knocked the door with my foot as Jeon opened the door and looked shocked to see us like this.

- I so hope that you guys did not do what I am thinking.

She said with a mischief in her eyes. I rolled my eyes.

- Can you shut your fucking mouth up and move? 

I said as I kicked my leg in air. She rolled her eyes and opened the door enough for me to get in with this the girl I care the most about.

I laid her down and turned on my heels to find a curious Jeongyeon.

- So are you going to say me what happened?

She said folding her hands near her chest and raising a brow.

- I don't think that I am the right person to tell you this

I said and I saw a disappointment on her face. Jeongyeon was the girl whom I can say that I grew up with apparently, our families are close and she mostly used to stay in our house and vice versa. So I can say that after my sister and miso she was the girl I cared about and after her of course the rest of my friends.

- So you are really not going to tell me huh?

She said impatiently

- Well not the details.

I said and she grinned and hopped on her bed. I took the chair and sat down.

- Well some one is stalking Miso. 

I said and her smile faded away.

- Wait what?

She said and I explained her everything.

- you said you were not going to tell me the details but here you are telling me everything. 

She said with a smirk.

- Shut up.

I said annoyed. 

- So what are you going to do now?

She asked in a whisper.

- I am going to find that asshole and kill him.


Hey lovelies!!!

How are you?

Yayyyyy I updated soon uwu.

Well what do you think? Is it really someone they know? Someone she or he knows? What will Taehyung do now?

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

PS: what do you think about the new cover? 👀

PS: what do you think about the new cover? 👀

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