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Friendship, it was something one should cherish, Friends, they are someone whom we can rely on, to whom we can tell all of our secrets without a single worry, to whom we can share every worry and feel less burden.

Guess I can never experience this huh?

You know that feeling when everything is going good, and then suddenly you realise how not okay you are and then feel this tight sharp pain in your chest?!

That is what was happening with me right now. I was at the bus stop clutching my heart when my vision started to get blurry, and the rain was not helping it. Dark clouds started forming in front of my eyes as I rebelled to stay awake and ask for help but it was of no use as I fell on the ground feeling giddy and closed my eyes but before it I saw someone running towards me.

- T-taehyung

I whispered and closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes and a bright light pierced into my eyes. I squinted to have a better look as I sat up straight. I clutched my head as the pain shot in me.

- Ugh

I let out a whimper. I looked at my surroundings and saw I was in my room.

Who brought me here?

The questions started to fill my mind as I tried to remember the person whom I saw before fainting.

- Yes, send me the files. No no cancel the meetings I'm busy right now. Yeah-

I heard Taehyung's voice as I saw him entering the room talking to someone on the phone.

- Yes, hmm. Yeah, tell Mr. Oliver I will have a meeting with him regarding the show later. 

He said as he ended the call.

- How are you feeling?

He asked as he came near me. 

- I feel as if I just experienced a ride in a rollercoaster.

I said as he tried to suppress a smile and nodded and a awkward silence filled the room.

- Ask. I know you want to ask questions.

He said keeping his hands inside his pants pockets.

- Uhm, how did you find me there? Were you stalking me? Why did you bring me here? And where did you get the keys from?

I asked several questions as he sighed.

- I knew things were going to end bad there so I followed you and saw you at the bus stop I was going to leave but then I saw you clutching your heart as if your life depended on it and then you just fainted I thought of bringing you to the doctor but then I knew you wouldn't like that so I bought you here. Ah! And to answer your last question you forgot this is my hotel so of course I can get the keys whenever I like.

He said in a cocky tone as I clicked my tongue. 

- Well, thanks for bringing me here.

I whispered quietly. He nodded and again the silence filled the room but it was not awkward it was more like peaceful.

- Did you really didn't slept with her? 

I asked in a low voice as Taehyung shook her head, the plus point of studying psychology is you will know when someone is lying, and right now, I know Taehyung was not lying.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now