Single parent 💧 Steve (request)

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Song: Ed Sheehan - beautiful people.

Imagine: Steve is a single dad, and when you meet you just hit it off immediately.

'Daddy!, daddy!' Daisy yells as she walks around the base.

Steve needed to work something out with the team, so he took his five year old to the base, probably not the smartest idea but the babysitter couldn't babysit on such short notice.

And now Daisy is looking around the base trying to entertain herself, not knowing the several dangers around her.

You've been watching her walk around, you couldn't help but smile, she reminds you of your own daughter. She was killed together with your husband a couple years back.

You decide it's time to walk over when she almost gets hit by one of the range rovers racing on the base. You just pull her out of the way of a second one.

'Hey kiddo, you should really pay attention sweetie...' you smile.

'Whoa....are you a soldier?' She asks, her eyes going big.

You chuckle as you lead her to a safer place, you take her hand and pull her to your own car and place her in the front seat.

'Better kid...I'm a captain...' you smile.

'Just like my daddy!' She squeals.

'Oh really?' You chuckle as she looks around the car.

The next twenty minutes are spend by you explaining everything in the car to her. She listens silently as you show her everything.

That is until you hear someone jogging up behind you and the girl you now know as Daisy yells at the person.


'Hey honey!, I've been looking everywhere for you!, don't run off on me again princess!' He scolds a bit as he lifts her off of the seat and into his arms.

'Sorry if she was bothering you...' he apologises.

'Bothering me?, no no!, it's a delight to have such a wonderful girl around!' You chuckle.

'Thanks for keeping her safe...I'm Steve Rogers by the way...'

'Y/n y/l/n...' you shake his hand.

'Well princess it's time to go...thanks again...'

'Don't worry about it...' you chuckle as you wave at Daisy.

'You should go on a date...' Daisy comments.

'What?, how do you even know what that is?'

'Because I am a girl and girls are smarter than boys...' she replies and Steve chuckles.

Steve eventually asked you to go out, after frequently visiting the base even though he had a day off. You simply couldn't refuse.

You then heard about Daisy's mother, the same happened to her as what happened to your husband and daughter.

So you eventually couldn't stop talking and started seeing each other more often than not. Daisy loved you and this made it easier for Steve to pop the big question after a few months.

A year after that you got married and a year after getting married you were giving Daisy a sibling. You're seven months pregnant right now and you could t be happier.

'What ya cooking good looking?' Steve asks wrapping his arms around you.

'I'm cooking dinner because I live with a super soldier who eats like a pregnant lady and a child who has her fathers genes, oh and then I myself need to eat for two...' you chuckle.

'If you would've asked me to cook I would've...'

'Steve last time you cooked a steak so bad...the poor thing was still mooing...'

'Are you saying I'm a bad cook?' He chuckles as he walks to the counter to give Daisy a kiss on her head.

'I'm saying you are terrible...' you laugh.

'He is...' Daisy comments and Steve glances at her.

'You said you loved it...'

'I was young and stupid...' she replies making you laugh even harder, she's now about nine years old.

'Mhm...' Steve says sarcastically before sitting down.

'I'm sorry daddy but mommy is a much better cook than or no baby...'

'Well that's because mommy spend more ti-'

'I dare you to finish that sentence Rogers...I dare you...' you stop him.

'You should apologise...' you Daisy whisper very loudly and you try your best to hide your smile.

'Sorry baby...'

'Well that's convincing...' Daisy comments and it throws you into a fit of giggles.

'Hilarious...the both of you...god I hope it's a boy...' he mutters as you and Daisy both almost topple over in laughter.

'Good one mommy!' She yells.

You stick out your tongue to Steve just like Daisy is doing and he can't help but laugh himself. Even though Daisy isn't yours. She really starts acting like you. Which he can't even begin to describe.

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