Colours of the wind 💧 Bucky.

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Song: Young the Giant - superposition.

A/n: you bet this picture made me faint

Imagine: you ask Bucky to help you colour your hair differently.

'Shit shit shit!' You exclaim as you look into the mirror and see the half of your hair still the dull colour it was before all of this.

You just ran out of your black hair dye while painting your blonde away. You curse some more before recollecting yourself.

This was the first step to a clean slate. A new beginning and you even manage to fuck up a simple hair dye.

You decide to wash it out anyway and just go to the store before everyone else comes back and starts laughing about it.

So after you wash it out you check the hallway before moving to the living area to grab your purse and key and rush out the door.

But of course you hadn't thought about Bucky staying behind, which is weird because he is almost always on your mind.

'Did something go wrong?' He asks as he looks at your hair with wide eyes.

You try to reply, but instead your eyes fill with tears which confuses him even more. You look away and you slide onto the stool beside you, leaning on the kitchen counter.

'Hey...what's wrong?' He asks and you let out a pained laugh.

'What's wrong?, every time I try to start over, I fuck it up one way or the other!'

'That's not true, and besides, why don't you just go to the store?, I mean, it's an easy fix...'

'Once the team finds out they'll laugh because I'm sure this won't stick with just you for long...'

'If you don't want me to tell them I won't...I promise...if it makes you upset I won't...'

'Yeah well...I have experience with people telling me they won't say anything and then they continue to do it anyways...'

'I'll take you to the store right now...and I will pretend this never happened...sound good?'

'This is the one I need...' you smile holding the package.

'So if you don't mind me asking, why are you going from ash blonde to raven black?'

'Like I said, I want a new start, I thought maybe changing this up a bit, it will make it easier to look at myself?, I don't know if probably doesn't make sense to you..'

'It does strangely, do you think I should change it up a bit too?, maybe cut it?, colour it like you?, would you help me with that?'

'Of course...I mean, if I'm being honest it's getting ridiculously long...' you lean against the shelve as you eye his hair.

'So what colour should I get?'

'Maybe like a lighter brown? Or black like me?' You reply.

'Hmm, I think I'm gonna go with black let's take two more just to be sure...' he smirks at you and you roll your eyes as you turn to go further in the store.

'Okay so we'll need something to apply it with and some scissors for your hair...'


'Yeah?' You ask as you turn back around.

'Oh uh...nothing..' he quickly says, he had no idea he actually said your name out loud. He was just busy looking at you love around the store with such concentration, he just can't keep his eyes off of you.

He has to admit those two colours don't look horrible, it looks badass even, it would take some getting used to, he thinks it's a shame that you really thought he would laugh about it, that you would think he'd tell everyone even after seeing you so upset.

But luckily he can understand exactly how you feel, making it easier to talk to you the way you like. And the way you react to him is simply adorable.

'So..this stuff smells dangerous...' his face scrunches up at the smell and you chuckle.

He just did your hair and now it has to sink in, in the meantime you already cut his hair and you're moving to colouring it like yours.

But by opening a new package, the smell gets worse and worse.

'You sure this is safe?'

'You're a supersoldier I don't think you need to worry...' you chuckle as you move to colouring his newly cut hair at the back.

You cut a little bit of his long hair off, just so it doesn't make him look like a surfer dude. You chuckle as you run your fingers through his hair making him hum softly.

'Feel good?' You ask and he nods closing his eyes and leaning his head back.

You chuckle as you continue to rub his head, he usually doesn't let anyone close to him like this, so you enjoy this as much as you can.

'Let's wash it out...' you chirp, you just finished your own hair and you're letting it dry.

'Why don't you just join me?' He whines and you chuckle.

'I just dried myself off I don't plan on getting wet again...'

'Not yet..' he smirks.

'Go wash it out Barnes...' you chuckle walking away.

But the he grabs your wrist and pulls you into the shower, he places you under and you squeal from the temperature, you'd think Tony's showers would warm up in a second but no.

'Stop it!' You squeal.

'Stop fighting it!' He replies laughing until his stomach hurts.

'Fine!' You press your lips to his and he stops.

'What was that?'


' it again...'

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