Baby time 💧 Clint (request)

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Song: LYKOS - thinking of u.

Imagine: it's after endgame and you find out you're pregnant with Clint's baby.

You should be happy, like every other mother expecting a baby that took forever to conceive. But after everything that happened, a baby was the last thing on both of your minds.

'Y/n?, baby?, everything okay?' Clint walks in and he can immediately tell you're not happy.

You're sitting on the bed, staring at the ultrasound photograph you're holding between your fingers.

''re...' he gasps as he kneels before you.

You nod just as a tear slides down your cheek.

'That's amazing!, we're going to be parents!' He jumps up happily, he even does a little happy dance that usually makes you smile, but not this time.

'Hey...hey...' he says as he sits next to you on the soft bed.

'You should be happy...we both should...' he wraps an arm around you.

'I know...' you nod while sniffing. 'But Clint...after everything that happened in the last few you really think we can handle this? Because I know I can't...'

'Y/n...' he whispers as he pulls you on top of him.

You're straddling him while he wraps his arms around your back, but still maintaining some space so that he can look at you.

'The last few days weren't easy... especially not for the team and for us... but this is what we've always wanted right?,  we should be happy that we're finally getting this...'

'I know I should... but I can't help but think about Natasha.. Tony.... they would've loved this just as much as we do.. and then... Clint I...'

You start babbling but he is quick to stop you. He closes his eyes and lays his forehead against yours making you calm down.

It's a little trick he learned a long time ago, you would always start to ramble whenever an emotion was going too strong. So he tried this until it worked.

'You don't have to do this alone, both of us... we have help... and who knows?, maybe this baby will put us back on track... maybe we will finally have some peace... maybe we can retire...' he unwraps his arms so he can lay his hands on your face.

You move your hand up to the nape of his neck and you open your eyes and he does the same. Without speaking you can tell what the other is trying to say.

He can see the doubt in your eyes, and you can see the determination in his.

'We're gonna do this y/n... you and I... together...' he whispers, his voice is barely audible but you understand anyway.

He looks up and you tilt your head down, your lips meet in the middle for a sweet, passion filled kiss. It's one like you've never felt before.

'I love you y/n... and I have an idea...'

'What?' You ask curiously.

'If its a boy, we will name him Anthony... if it's a girl... honour them...'

Your eyes fill with tears as you nod again. This time you just bury your head in his neck and he holds you. Just so you can feel that everything is gonna be okay.

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