Christ, there's two of them 💧 Peter and Shuri

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Song: Paramore - hard times.

Imagine; you're hungover because you broke up with your boyfriend, Shuri and Peter cheer you up.

They're like 16 in this and you're 19.

'That MotherFucker!' You yell as you throw your things in the large wooden table in the tower.

'Well good evening to you too...' Tony casually sips his drink while typing away on his pad without even looking up at you.

'I'm not in the mood for those kind of jokes...' you huff as you sit down.

'You want a drink?, we can play a drinking game..'

'I already play a drinking's called life...but I'd like what you're having...anything strong is good...' you reply and he nods.

He shoved an empty glass your way and it's followed by the large bottle of whiskey. You happily pour the liquid in the glass and you down it in one gulp.

'You mind telling me where the attitude is coming from?' Tony asks looking at you.

He can clearly see the remains of the tears on your face, even though you're not even looking him in the eye.

'I was supposed to have dinner with Graham and he stood me up...'


'Well that's not all...' you scoff with a painful smile on your face as you pour another glass and again gulp it in one go.

'I waited for two hours before going over to his apartment...and there he was...with another girl... screwing her brains out...while he was supposed to be with me..two fucking years down the fucking drain!' You yell frustrated.

'What's this guys address?,  I just wanna talk...'

'No's fine...I had my suspicions...he's just a dick...I just wanna got to bed after I drink a whole bottle of whiskey and just sleep it all out...'

'Ah..the Stark way...' he grins.

'Yeah...' you purse your lips before looking at Tony again.

'Take that bottle, I'll tell everyone to lay off of you for a while...'

'You're not gonna stop me from drinking this thing?'

'Why would I?, alcohol may not solve the problem but let's be honest, milk won't do shit either...'

'Right...' you collect your stuff again and you take the bottle with you.

'You forgot the....nevermind..' Tony speaks up looking at the now empty glass on your side of the table.

You sure finished the bottle before falling asleep with it. Cuddling it like it's your significant other, or more like a pillow.

And that's exactly how both Peter and Shuri find you in the morning. They stare at you until you slowly open your eyes.

Your vision is blurry so you don't spit Peter right the second, the headache doesn't make it better either. But when your vision starts coming back you shriek while scrawling back.

You shriek again when you see Shuri on the other side and you sit against the headboard, bumping your head in the process.

'Ow!' You yell as you wrap your arms around your head groaning at the stinging sensation.

'What the hell are you two doing here?!' You ask.

'We heard about the whole relationship thing and we wanted to cheer you up...' Peter explains.

'You could've just given me a bottle of the strongest alcohol...I want to be left alone...'

'You shouldn't be left alone...we just want to help, spend the day with us and you'll feel much better..'

'Spend the day doing what?' You ask.

Both Peter and Shuri turn to each other with a huge smirk plastered on their faces.

'I don't like that...what does that look mean?' You ask nervously.

'Really?' You look around the large hall, everyone is dressed up as superheroes and other characters you don't quite recognise. 'Comic con?' You then to Peter and Shuri who look like kids in a candy shop.

'We thought it might be a good thing to-'

'y/n?!' A little girl asks and you turn around.

The little girl wiggles herself loose from the older boys grip and rushes over to you. Her eyes go big when she's standing close to you and you frown at her, but then you slowly go down to the girls eye-level and you smile.

'Hey there's it going?' You ask and she looks like she's gonna pass out any second now.

'You're y/n...whoa...' she gasps and you chuckle.

'I'm so sorry, I thought I had a hold on her but she's been running away from me every chance she gets...' the older boy says, he must be as old as you, maybe a little older, like let's say 21?

'It's okay...' you look up and you straighten up again.

The little girl hugs you and you laugh, which alerts every other kid in there and they all come running.

'Yeah no this was a great idea...' you turn to Peter Who is awkwardly smiling at you as he scratches the back of his neck.

Shuri on the other hand keeps glancing at the boy in front of you, signalling you to go after him.

A smirk creeps on your face as you keep staring at her.

'Don't you dare..' she warns.

'Hey kids look!, it's Princess Shuri!' You say happy and all the kids turn their heads towards Shuri.

All the other kids rush to her side, everyone except the little girl who is still glued to your body.

'Come on Rachel...leave the nice lady...please?'

'She's my hero!' She says tightening her grip.

'Tell you you want to be a hero too?' She silently nods.

'if you want to be a hero you need to listen to the grownups okay?, I know they often sound boring but they are right about a lot of things okay?' She nods and lets go.

You hold up your fist and Rachel fistbumps it.

'Thank you...I've been trying to get her to listen to me all day long...she loves this kind of stuff...she's very serious about her superhero's ...' the boy chuckles.

'I can tell...' you reply.

'I'm Dick Grayson by the way...' he sticks out his hand. (😏)

'Y/n...' you shake it.

'Must be cool to see a million people dressed up as you...' he says looking around.

'You'd be surprised...I mean it's a big responsibility...'

'Yeah...I kind of get it...' he nods.

'You'd have to explain that one to me I think..' you reply.

'I would love to...maybe over a cup of coffee?' He suggests and you nod.

This breakup might not have been such a bad thing after all, and you owe Peter and Shuri an apology for sure.

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