Nothing hurts more 💧 Bucky (request)

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Song: Coldplay - atlas.

Imagine: Bucky is assigned to train you within Hydra, he one day takes it too far and while he patched you up, you say the word that makes him turn into himself again.

Just saw "endings, beginnings" the movie with Seb in it and let me tell you...holy...fucking...shit, I mean it was a good movie but it's just really...really graphic until the point that I had to scream to let some tension out. Whoops. GO SEE IT NOW! (That's an order😏)

'Up, lets go again...' he orders and you glare at him.

Your ankle is in the opposite direction than it's supposed to be, you must've broken it when he stood on it to block you from getting up.

'I can't!' You snap back and his head turns to you.

Uh oh.

'Do you think people out there will care if you can't stand up?, huh?, you think they will cut you some slack?' He gets closer, towering over you with a dangerous look in his eyes.

'You broke my ankle I can't-' you get interrupted by his metal hand wrapping around your neck and pulling you up.

He slams you against the wall, knocking the little air left in your lungs, out. You claw at him, trying to hurt him so he will let go.

'If you want this to end, stop resisting...' he smirks at you, he's clearly enjoying this.

He has been nothing but cold hearted to you, calling names, abusing you of a training goes wrong, or right. Always actually.

Your body isn't even fully healed yet from the last time, that's probably why he was able to even break your ankle, which hurts like a bitch.

'Please...please stop..' you choke out making him let out a chuckle.

He tosses you to the ground as he lets out another laugh just as you gasp for air, you start crawling away but he steps on your already hurting ankle making you scream out.

'You're not going anywhere, I'm not finished...I heard that your last mission went to shit...they send me here to punish you..'

'I already got punished...' you wheeze out.

'I don't believe you...' he yanks your hair and your neck cracks of the force behind it, not enough to break it but it sure does crack.

Your eyes widen when you see his fist, his metal one, launching at your face. He hits you and your lip busts open, your nose starts bleeding and your eyes involuntary tear up.

He repeats this until his fist is dripping with the crimson red fluid. You're way past fighting back, you're on the verge of passing out even.

'Please...' you beg, you can hear him pant before putting more pressure on your ankle.

Another scream tears from your throat, which flows into a whimper.

'James.. please...' you beg again and this makes him break.

That one simple name he used to have, the name he suddenly remembers that brings back the person behind the Winter Soldier. Not that you can see it because you passed out the moment he stopped putting pressure on your ankle.

He sees what he did to you, he needs to fix this, he has to. so he picks you up bridal style and lays you down on the bed in the corner of his cell.

He orders some agents to get medical supplies, to patch her up and to his surprise they all believe it.

He has to fix it.

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