Perfect Family part 2 💧 Steve/Bucky.

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Song; Tiësto, Jonas Blue ft. Rita Ora - ritual.

Your dress:

'He's coming home today!' Rebecca happily announces as they get ready to pick them up

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'He's coming home today!' Rebecca happily announces as they get ready to pick them up.

'What do you say Anna?, ready to meet your other maker?' Ruth asks.

You chuckle as you take her in your arms and she makes what seems to be a happy noice.

'He's going to melt, she's going to wrap him around her little finger, that's for sure...'

'Well with Hames that isn't such a hard thing to do..I did right after we met...' you joke.

'You look beautiful...' Dorothy smiles.

'Thank you...'

'He will fall in love all over again when he sees you. He will...he's a sucker for you...'

'I hope so...' you chuckle.

'If you want we could take Anna tonight, I think you have celebrating to do...'

'We'll see...I can't deny it though...' you chuckle.

'My oh son is surely rubbing off on you...'

'I thought you wanted more grandchildren...'

'If they're all so wonderful as Anna, I want a dozen...'

James' leg is bouncing up and down at a rapid pace. He can't wait to see his daughter, and more importantly his girl.

He can't wait to hold you and tell her how much he actually loves you. He can't wait to take care of the little creature he made together with you. 

Anna May Barnes.

'Well soldiers...get off of my ship and go home to whatever girl you have waiting for you...'

James doesn't know how fast he gets up because before he knows it he's standing outside looking over the crowd trying to find you. 

And then he sees his whole family standing there with you in the middle. His three sisters and his mother. Rebecca of course is holding his daughter but he is focused on you.  

You look up to the bridge and a smile spread across your face when your eyes meet his.

He speeds off of the stairs to the dock and pushes himself through the crowd, you rush through the crowd to meet him halfway. Jumping up and landing in his arms.

'I told you it was a girl...' he grins cockily and you laugh before crashing your mouth on his. 

'That's the first things you say?' You smile. 

'God you're even more beautiful than you were, how is that possible?' He charms you and you grab his hand leading him to his family and your daughter.

You hold Anna and Bucky just peers over your shoulder. He wraps his arms around your waist and you softly chuckle when Anna wakes up and stares right into her fathers eyes.

'Steve wasn't kidding when he said she was beautiful...'

'Couldn't have done it without your help thought, we sure got the best genes out of the gene pool...'

You turn and you slowly lay Anna down in his arms. He's scared at first, he has done so many things that weren't kind nor gentle. But he forgets when he stares at his daughter.

'Hey there Anna...I'm your daddy..' he smiles and Anna slowly starts to smile back at him.

'Smile for the picture!' Dorothy squeals as she raises the camera.

You're both too caught up with each other that you don't actually notice the picture being taken.

'I love you..' he turns to look at you and you lay your head against yours.

'I know...'

(Bonus feature)

'Why did we leave Anna with Rebecca again...'

'Because you must either be tired or very willing to celebrate with me..'

' that case...the celebrate thing does sound better than sleeping...'

'Your mother wants some more grandchildren...'

'Then let's get her what she wants..' he pulls you close and you let out a laugh before tiptoeing to kiss him.

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