Moral of the story 💧 Bucky

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Song: Ashe - moral of the story.

Sorry in advance...

Imagine; you and Bucky have a very toxic relationship, so you decide to talk about it, both agreeing that it's not a good relationship but neither of you have the heart to end it.

'What are we doing Buck?' You ask sitting across from him on the messy bed.

The bed you just shared your love in has now become a place of complete and utter silence between the both of you.

The room around you is a mess of clothes and broken glass, a couple hold in the wall, weapons out and about. It's a normal thing for you too, but you slowly start to realise that this isn't the way to love.

Love isn't fighting over every small thing and breaking each other's thing or throwing them at each other like it's a damn pillow fight. Love isn't arguing and then making love like nothing happened.

'What do you mean what are we doing?, we're in bed...' he replies grumpy.

'I mean us...Buck what the hell are we doing?' You look up into his eyes and you see a hint of confusion, which goes away as soon as he gets what you're talking about.

'Y/n..' Bucky places his hand on your neck and pulls you closer to him.

'Buck look around..this isn't normal...we aren't... Bucky this isn't normal...' you sigh.

'We aren't normal ourselves us this is normal...'

'But I don't want this to be okay... I don't want to fight over every little thing and then make up for it with sex... this is all we do to each other then I don't want it...'

'So what are you saying y/n?, that you want this to end that we should break up?' His face hardens as he speaks.

'Of course not...I don't want this to end because I love but this isn't good for me, for neither of's not healthy... I don't want to but I have to... before it goes too far...' a tear slides down your cheek as your voice trembles.

'We can work on it...y/n we can try to change...'

'I've tried Buck but...we're not good for each other...'

'How could you possibly know that?!' He gets angry, it's his own defence talking.

'Because look around Buck!, there are pieces of glass on the floor, holes in the wall!, we fight every night Buck and I can't take it's not only affection you and me but it's also affecting everyone on the team...' you get up from the bed.

'Wait...fuck just wait...' he mutters as he gets up himself.

'Y/n I love you and I'm not prepared to let go off you...' he admits as he presses his body against yours while cupping your face.

'I know that.. that's why I'm doing it for you...' you gently push him away making him retract his hands.

'What... so that's it?, you're giving up?'

'I'm not giving up Buck... like I said I love you just as much... this isn't any easier for me than it is for you... I'm sorry but... I'm ending it...'

Bucky just stands there, he's thinking while looking at you, he knows you're right.

'So what now?' He finally speaks up.

'I don't know...' you reply honest as he walks up to you.

He wraps his arms around you, something that takes you by surprise. You wrap yours around his body, laying your head against his chest. And then you just stand there.

'I love you...' you whisper.

'I love you too..' he kisses your head.

'I'm sorry...' you whisper again.

'Me too...' he replies. 'Me too..'

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