Phobia 💧 Tony (request)

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Song: Elsa & Emilie - ocean.

Imagine: you find out you're pregnant and you're really scared, it's a phobia you have, so you go to a clinic and Tony finds out because well, Tony is Tony and the media is the media (the one who requested this, those are the words)

Also please don't be a dick about this because this is a real thing and this is quite personal so negative comments will be deleted

You steady yourself against the sink, looking at the positive pregnancy test. This is what you feared the moment Tony started hinting at children.

You've been married for a while now and well, Tony's ovaries start to ramble because he wants children so bad, and even though you'd love to give him children, you have a serious phobia.

You have a phobia of pregnancy in general. The 9 months of carrying, the childbirth and the aftermath. Most people laugh at you when they hear. They try to convince you that it won't be that bad and that you should reconsider, but it's a real fear. You talked to Tony about it, but he didn't take it all that seriously.

And now your worst fear came through, you can't think, you can't breath. All you can do is stare at the rest.

'Y/n?, everything okay?' Tony walks into the bathroom and sees you're about to sink to the floor, so he immediately runs up to you and helps you sit on the small chair in the corner.

'Y/n what's going on?' He asks so sweetly.

He looks around and sees the test laying on the bathroom sink. He walks over there and takes it in his hands. Positive.

'But y/n, this is great news!, we're having a baby!' He happily exclaims, but you don't share that same joy.

'Look I know you're scared but I will help you okay, I will stay home from missions, I'll make sure the best doctors are on this... everything will be okay... everything will be fine..'

'No it won't Tony... you don't take this seriously, it's a real phobia... Tony I can't do this no matter how much you want to and you have to respect that...'

'I do respect that but y/n, we can't go back now..'

He's wrong about that, you can go back and you will, you're going to call a clinic first thing in the morning, you're going to schedule an appointment. You're too scared, you can't do this.

That night you didn't sleep at all, you were thinking about how happy Tony was with he news, how scared you are right now. You weigh everything, but right now you need to put yourself first.

So you make the call and schedule an appointment as soon as possible which is next week. They want you to come talk to them before the procedure to make sure you want to go through with this. So you do, because you can't go through with this.

If Tony finds out he will be crushed, he will be mad and you have no idea what he will do but like you said before, you need to put yourself first.

'Abortion is a sin!'

'Abortion is murder!'

'There's always another way!'

The people outside of the clinic yell all kinds of stuff to make you turn and walk back to your car, but fear is a strong thing.

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