Underrated 💧 avengers (request)

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Song: Tame Impala - let it happen.

Imagine; you're usually underestimated by the team and the whole world, but then when you're loosing, you sacrifice yourself for the team.

Your clothes:

Your clothes:

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'Y/n!, are you alright?!, where are you?!'

'I'm right here Cap, like I said many times before!, I'm stronger than I look!'

'Now is not the time to start y/n...'

'Fine but when this is over we're having a chat about the current position you keep putting me in...' you snap back.

'Fine with that, stand back and let us handle it...'

'Yeah, not an option...' You mutter as you watch Thanos' army slaughter all the people that just came through the portals. 'I'm done with you underestimating me...'

You look around and see that Peter is getting thrown on the ground while he has the gauntlet. 'Peter hold on!'

You run across the battlefield, fighting of space dogs and aliens, which you never thought you would ever do. If somebody had told you ten years ago that you'd be working with the avengers and every other superhero against a huge purple blob, you'd laughed in their faces but here you are.

You reach Peter and you help him up. He needs a moment to find balance so you shield him from any attacks.

'Y/n!, I told you to stand back!'

'And I told you I'm not sitting on the sidelines anymore!' You reply.

'The gauntlet and the girl!, give me the gauntlet and the girl!' He's referring to you.

You're a threat to him, maybe even more so than Wanda, who is pretty goddamn mad at him for killing her microwave. (Sorry Vision, I used you to entertain people and I am forever sorry ly)

Wanda is powerful, but unlike her, you can mean his true end, up until now you were the only one that hurt him and made him bleed.

'You make sure the gauntlet reaches Carol... I'll go and help Wanda... maybe I'll get to end this for good...'

'Do you even know what you're doing?' Peter asks out of breath.

'Do I ever?' You smirk at him.

'Good point...be careful...'

'I'm always careful...' you huff at him.

'If you Call This careful you're definitely going insane..'

'Go Peter!' You yell before running across the battlefield again, trying to kill as many as possible.

You don't pay enough attention because you suddenly feel an arm wrap around your waist, it's one of the aliens. You squirm and try to kick it so it will let go, but it won't. You finally look up to see it's taking you to the Titan, makingYou squirm and kick harder.

You de She has the gauntlet. But lucky for you he hasn't snapped yet.

You get thrown on the ground in front of him. The breath gets knocked out of your lungs and you cough as you crawl up. You feel your arms getting held back.

'Look at you...so underrated by the ones you call family... you had to disobey to even participate... you would make a fine edition to my army...' Thanos coos as he runs a finger along your jaw.

'Like is ever join you...' you snark at him as you turn your head the other way.

'You've got spark in you...I will give you that...but look around, you'll never win this...and that would be the second time...' he grins at you and you get angry.

The power coursing through you creates a power wave stretching across the field, which can be felt from a mile away.

Your arms get free and you launch yourself at Thanos. Ripping the gauntlet from his arm and quickly putting it on your own.

The power is overwhelming, you haven't felt anything like it ever before. You look at your arm, you see colourful lines going up there.

'You wouldn't dare...'

'Y/n don't!' You hear Steve, but you once again decide to just ignore him.

'Oh I would...' you raise your arm as far as you can and you snap.

Every enemy, every Shatari is turning into heaps of dust and ashes. The people that got hurt on the field are now standing up again, without a scratch. Even Thanos himself is gone now. Reduced to atoms.

'Y/n...' you hear footsteps as you feel someone helping you sit against a large chunk of rubble.

A couple blurry figures move around you. You can't quite focus anymore, too tired to even comprehend what's happening around you.

'Y/n, shit...why did you do that?' Tony.

'I thought I told you to stand back y/n...' Steve.

You feel a hand cup your cheek, you feel it being tilted to look at someone. To look at Steve.

His heart sinks when he sees how badly you're injured. Your eyes are glossed over and your mouth is slightly agape. Your breaths go in and out like a wheeze.

'Why do you have to continually disobey me?' He whispers and a small smile forms on your lips.

'You underestimate me Cap...' you answer.

'I wanted you to be safe, that's why I said it.. I would never underestimate you y/n...you're like a daughter to me...' he leans forward and kisses your head.

'Cap she's not..' Tony starts but stops the moment Steve glares at him. 

'Is...is everyone okay?' You ask.

'Yeah, thanks to you...you're the real hero y/n..'

'I love all of you...' you cough out.

'Boss, she's slipping away...' Friday speaks up and Tony can't stand to even watch.

'You're my family...' your voice dies off as your eyes lose their life and colour.

'Y/n?' Steve asks choking up. 'Y/n?' He gently shakes you but you don't respond, your body isn't moving anymore.

'Friday?' Tony asks.

'She's gone boss...I'm sorry...'

Steve gently lifts your body in his arms. He wraps his arms around you and just squeezes, not knowing what do with himself.

'I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry...' he whispers.

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