Jealousy is a powerful tool 💧 Loki (request)(smut)

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Song: Doja Cat - shine.

Imagine; you're Loki's fiancé, Thor knows this but he keeps flirting with you, Loki ends up dragging you away.

Smut again... I think..

Okay so the reason that those smut updates are so slow is because even though I'm an adult (19), I still need time to write shot like this because I keep switching between Pinterest and wattpad because I feel awkward writing this, but I hope I'm getting better..

So here you go!

'I don't know it's just...I wish he would show me more affection at's selfish I know...'

'Not at all..' Thor starts to smirk as a plan creeps up in his mind.

'Thor...what are you doing?' You chuckle as he spins you around the dance floor, in a little more suggestive way than you anticipated with him.

'Dancing with my favourite princess...' he wiggles his eyebrows and you let out a laugh again.

'You do know I'm engaged right?'

'Of course...I just do not care...' he replies and you frown at him. 'What are you trying to accomplish?'

'We'll see y/n...Loki is very jealous by nature, if you touch anything that is his, it drives him mad, insane even...'

'And How is this helping both our cases?'

'Who says I'm doing this for me?' He asks and at that time you get snatched away by Loki, he grabs your arm and drags you away from the party.

'Thank me later!' He yells after you.

'Ow!, Loki!' You scold but he won't let go until you're standing in your shared room.

As soon as the door is closed and locked, you find yourself being shoved against it by Loki. He looks furious.

'What do you think you're doing?' He harshly grabs your chin.

'I-i was just dancing...' you reply innocently, a smirk creeping onto his face.

'My oaf of a brother wants you all to're mine...' he moves close to your ear and a shiver runs down your spine.

He has never been this dominant before, but you're not complaining now, this is exactly what you wanted, for him to be a little more rough with you. You love the sweet and gentle side but sometimes it's just not enough.

You also normally wouldn't be too into the idea of him claiming you, like an object. But for now you'll allow it, just because you feel this ache in between you legs only he'll be able to make go away.

'Then make me yours...' you pant out desperate.

Before you can register if, his mouth is moving against yours at a steady rhythm. His body pressing yours further against the door.

His hands move up and down your body, he loves his hands up the slits of your dress, it's like he's searching for something.

'No undergarments?' He teases. 'My my y/n...'

'The lines are visible through the dress...' you reply.

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