Corners of my mind 💧 Clint (request)

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Song: Mêlée -build to last.

Imagine; you and Clint argue about anything you can come up with until you both get hurt because of it.

Being Tony's babysister is hard enough as it is, but having to put up with one of the most annoying people on earth is challenging to say the least.

You and Clint fight about everything, ever small thing there is that you can possibly argue about, you two argue about. It's like a sport, of a day job to argue with one another.

'We should go that way...' Clint says.

Who's goddamn idea was it to put you together to scout out a building?

'No we should go that way, Steve and Tony went through the other side'

'I think you're wrong but okay, let's go your way...' Clint protests and you turn around.

'If you wanna go the other way fine by me, just don't get yourself killed...which is pretty hard because I'm not there to protect your pathetic ass...'

'Pathetic?, at least I can aim...if you're protecting me I'm gonna have my brain painting the wall..'

'S gonna be a small painting...but whatever, I'm gonna actually retrieve those go and wonder around like a lost child..' you turn your back to him again and you walk over to the control room.

You check around the corner and you see a group standing in the room, you could make it to the panel and retrieve the files if you're really quiet. Which with your speed and your stealth should be possible.

You crawl over to the panel without them spotting you, you put in the USB, letting the files load onto it.

Then Clint appears in the doorway and you sign him to be silent.

'What?' He asks and that moment all head turn to the door and then to you.

You squeeze your eyes at him and the second you try to get out they start shooting at you. You quickly grab the USB with half of the files loaded onto it, it's better than nothing right?

You're almost at the door when you feel a bullet going through your side. You fall into the hallway and Clint pulls you up.

'You had to get shot again...' he mutters and you shoot him an angry glare.

He puts his arm around you and hoists you up so you're standing. You let out a huff of pain as you start running with him.

You hear men running down the hall and you grab your gun, you put it against the unharmed side of your waist and you fire back at them, hitting them clean without even looking at them.

'You had to have one brain cell...' you mutter back as you finally get out of the building.

You rush over to the jet while the team gives you cover, once the hatch is closed you shove Clint off of you.

You then take a step towards him and sock him in the jaw making some yelp out in surprise.

'You could've gotten me killed in there you stupid fuck!' You yell angry.

'It's not my fault that you went that way!' He yells back as he crawls back up, holding his jaw.

'I got shot because of you!, don't you know that this means that you're supposed to be quiet?, didn't you learn that in kindergarten Barton?!'

'Listen y/ should go to Stephen and get that bullet wound sown up, we will deal with this later...'

'Fury is asking you and Barton to report on the mission..' Natasha comes into the room you're being treated by Strange.

'I'm on my way, am I done Stephen?' You ask and he nods.

'Not to much movement or it will rip...'

'I'll keep it mind...' you nod as you slide off of the table.

'So how are you feeling?, still mad at him?'

'Am i mad?, the fucking donkey got me shot in the side, of course I'm mad!'

'You know, I think you secretly like each other y/n, I'm not gonna lie, your bickering I mean, it's like you're married... I think he likes you and I think you like him too...'

'Do you want to get shot Nat because all you have to do is just ask..'

'Think about it y/n... I used to bicker with your brother all the time too...and look at us now...'

'Sometimes I wish you would've kept bickering with him.. and besides, Tony wouldn't approve, and what if he does truly hate me and I stand there telling him how I feel...'

'He doesn't, trust me...' Natasha winks and you roll your eyes at her.

You two walk into the conference room to find Fury and Clint already talking, it doesn't seem so bad, but once Natasha walks out and closes the door behind her, the mood changes.

'I brought you in here because someone fucked in and I'd like to know who...'

'Well I would say it's her..' Clint says and you turn your head to him with your mouth open.

'If one of us is the fuckup in this situation it's know sign language and still you don't know that when I put my finger against my lips it means that you have to keep your mouth shut!'

'All you do is complain!, everyone makes mistakes!'

You're boiling over, if there isn't already steam coming from your ears, there sure is at this point.

'COMPLAIN?!, I GOT FUCKING SHOT BECAUSE OF YOU!' You raise your shirt showing off the fresh wound with the stitches.

And then the argument explodes, you and Clint talk through each other, cuss each other out over and over until Fury puts his hand down on the table making you stop.

You're panting and your face is red, tears are almost popping out but you're well able to keep them in.

'STOP IT!, BOTH OF YOU!' He yells and you look at him.

'You two clearly can't work together, you got me half of the files while you were supposed to get all of them, you put each other at risk and the rest of the team with that...'

You look at your feet, knowing full well what of a risk you put on everyone by splitting up.

'Do you understand the risk you put everyone in?'

'Yes...' you speak up.

'Yeah..' Clint replies.

'Good, because both of you are staying here for the next couple of missions...meaning that you'll be here while the others go on the missions...'

'What?!' Both you and Clint yell at the same time.

'Fury you have to be kidding!' Clint argues.

'C'mon you know this is all I have...' you add but he shakes his head.

'This decision is final agent y/l/n and agent're dismissed...'


'You're DISMISSED...' Fury says sternly and you turn to walk out.

'Y/n, listen I'm sorry...'

'I don't need your apology....'

'Wait...' Clint says as he grabs your wrist.

'Let go off me...'

'What can I do to make it up to you...'

'I don't need your sudden empathy or your pity, I need you to leave me alone!'

You rip your arm away and storm off again while clutching your side, Stephen is gonna be annoyed when he find out you twisted hard enough to make them snap but you don't care,

The missions is all you have left to do, it's what you get up for in the morning, and now he also took that from you.

To be continued

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